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just be friendly, smile and say hello as you walk past them, nothing more, it will get their attention and if you do this often enough they will most likely strike up a conversation with you.

Drop em' and go about your business, and if you really want him to notice you do something to catch his attention. (And I don't mean to bend over in front of him wearing a mini skirt trying to pick up a pencil.) Just try to carry on a conversation or something like start it off as a compliment and there you are.

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Q: How can you get a guy to notice you when he doesn't even know you exist?
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What do you when you like someone but they don't even notice you?

First of all ; you have to know the person to have some kind of interest in them ? Its funny how most people believe the person they like don't even know they exist. But fact is they do . They notice you as much as you do. Look for the signs! But if the person really doesnt ''notice you'' , you have to do something. Talk to them ; start conversation... let them know you're there .

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if he doesnt know you exist then your prolly not his type, or he might not like you :p

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do something the guy likes so he will notice you . hope my advice helps .bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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easyy. make him know you exist. start talking to him more, to his friends more. make yourself notcied! maybe show him your song? :] good luck!

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no offense or anythink but he doesnt even know you exist ?

How do you get a boy who doesnt know you to notice you?

Talk to him. Let him know everything you like. Be yourself. ;)

How do you ask a guy who doesnt even know if you exist to go out with you?

Try to find out what his interests are and learn about them and have him "accidentally" talking about itwith your friends when he passes by

You like this guy and your not sure if this guy likes you or even knows you what should you do?

go up and talk to him. If he doesnt know you exist show him you do. be his friend and be there for him.

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who really cares what Justin bieber's grandparents names are?!?! whoever wants to know this he probably doesnt even know you exist yall are obsessive freaks

What if the person you love hardly looks at you or does not know you even exist?

Then you need to move on. You cant wait for this boy to notice you, because its not fair on you. You need to find a boy who will appreciate you, not one who doesn't no u exist x

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if the boy doesnt notice you its because maybe you didnt show your true self to him.go out have fun and dont try to think about him .if he is a classmate so try to be atractive in class.

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he doesnt even know