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Q: How can you get someone to give you a million dollars willingly?
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Can someone give me a million dollars?

It's possible, but highly unlikely.

How do you get 300 dollars?

Work for it. Alternatively, find someone to give you a million and then you give away 999,700 dollars to deserving people.

If someone gave you a million dollars would you take it?

I totally would take a million dollars if someone gave them to me if they're no strings attached to it.

Will you give me a million dollars?


What is the vocabulary of gift?

Well, there are 3. You give someone something willingly as a present. You have a great talent. Or you are giving someone something.

How many years will it take to give away one million dollars if you give away 50 dollars every hour?

It would take you 9.10 years to give away 1 million dollars

If you give 40 people a million dollars each how much would it cost?

40 million dollars

Does YouTube give you a million dollars if you get a million hits?

No. If there is a reward for reaching that milestone, it's certainly much, much less than a million dollars.

Is there a staring contest in bloomington that will give you a million dollars?


Can you give me 1 million dollars?

If you gave me something of equivalent value.

How many dollars does national ffa give in scholarship?

1.9 million

Is Tim that won the Powerball for 580 million going to give away 1 million dollars on facebook?
