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Q: How can you get your sss statistic information yoursss number is 33-8624940-1?
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How can you get your Philippine Social Security System statistic information?

The address, telephone number, and other information is in the Related Link below.

What is statistics and data?

Statistics are values that give information about a group. For example, 60% of teens in the US graduate high school is a statistic because it gives a number, 60%, to tell information about a group of people, teenagers. (This statistic was made up for an example). Data is the information collected to formulate that statistic. Using the previous example, the data would be the numbers recorded of teens that graduate throughout the US to come up with 60%. Data develops a statistic, and a statistic provides information about a specific topic.

Is a sample a number describing some characteristic of a statistic?

No. A statistic is a number describing a characteristic of a sample.

What is the total number of all civil law suits in 2010?

I do not believe that there is a worldwide database that captures this information. A virtually impossible statistic to gather.

A number that describes numerical data is a?

A number that describes numerical data is a Statistic.

What is a significant number?

In statistics a significant number is a number that passes certain tests that makes the statistic relevant.

Do statistic searches find the number of huntong which disappeared in the past 100 years and 20 years?

. Do statistic searches: find the number of huntong which disappeared in the past 100 years and 20 years. *

What is future the rapper number?

WikiAnswers does not give out personal information. A number is personal information.

What is the next number in the sequence 346913?

There is only one number: 346913. One number does not provide enough information about a sequence.There is only one number: 346913. One number does not provide enough information about a sequence.There is only one number: 346913. One number does not provide enough information about a sequence.There is only one number: 346913. One number does not provide enough information about a sequence.

What is bratayleys number?

WikiAnswers does not provide people's private information. A phone number is private information.

What is the ratio of number of words in Hebrew to English translations?

There is no known measurement of this statistic. Typically, English translations are longer than the Hebrew. A glance into an English-Hebrew prayerbook will give you an idea of the ratio.

What is ben bruces number?

WikiAnswers does not give out peoples private information. A telephone number is private information.