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Q: How can you get your wife to 69?
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As of January 2012, Kari Wigton is 69 years old.

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69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69


69 - T19, D6

Did Orville wright get marryed to anyone?

Neither brother married. Wilbur once quipped [69] that he "could not support a wife and a flying machine".

How old is Lindsay Crouse?

Lindsay Crouse (ex-wife of David Mamet) is 69 years old (born May 12, 1948).

Who was the first president to have a son become president?

John Quincy Adams 210....69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 210 210

What is 69 plus 69?

69 + 69 = 138.

What is 69 multiplied by 69?

69 multiplied by 69=4761

What is 69 times 69?

It is: 69 times 69 = 4761