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Wait for the mail man/woman outside your residence. The only possible way to intercept it further is if you know the route of the postal worker.

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Q: How can you intercept mail before it reaches your residence?
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What is an example of a sentence using the word intercept?

The word intercept means, roughly, to cut off. Some suitable sentences would be:<BR> The aide hurried to intercept the Prime Minister before he left Parliament House.<BR>If you continue drawing this horizontal line, it will intercept that vertical line.

If a couple is having a destination wedding how early can you mail their wedding gift to their residence?

I think a couple weeks before would be find.

How can I prevent mail tampering within my residence?

Easiest way - is to install a lockable mail-box for each resident.

How long should it take to mail a letter on Friday in same state?

It depend on how close the mail box is to your residence and your mode of transport to the mail box.

Can a landlord send tenant certified mail to place of employment?

Usually mail of this type is sent to the place of residence, but they might send it here if they don't think you've been to the residence. I believe the landlord can send you registered mail where ever they think you will be most likely to receive it. Check the laws in your area.

What is DPS mail?

Direct point sequence mail, that reaches the post office presorted, its different from regular mail that the postman sorts. Is carried separately as well.

Can a city police intercept persons mail How?

By getting a court order/warrant directing the Postal Service to comply.

What kinds of things can you intercept?

Some things you can intercept are: a person running, and a police car. A police car can intercept a suspect, a person can intercept a frisbee intended for someone else to receive, a passed football can be intercepted, a secret message can be intercepted by rebel forces, a love note (in class) can be intercepted by the teacher (ouch!), an invading force may be intercepted by defense forces, etc.

How do you find out if you have the correct gmail address for a person?

You can send a mail to the person to find out. If the mail reaches the person, then it's correct. If shows an error, then it is wrong.

What is the law regarding opening other peoples email?

it depends on the type of mail. if it is confidential then it is. if its just a regular letter in the mail, then why not. but its better u do not open it because it is not yours

How can you formate a sentence with the word occupant?

Occupant means person who occupies a residence, as in "The junk mail was addressed to the apartment's occupant."