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You need to draw one diagonal. Look at the hexagon and then look at a pentagon. The triangle should stand out pretty well then.

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Q: How can you make one cut in a hexagon to make a triangle and a pentagon?
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What 2 shapes can you get when you cut a hexagon?

The answer depends on how you cut it.Even with a single straight cut you can get:a triangle and a heptagon,a triangle and a hexagon,a triangle and a pentagon,a quadrilateral and a hexagon,a quadrilateral and a pentagon,two quadrilaterals (trapezium),two pentagons.

How can you make one cut in the hexagon to make a triangle and a pentagon?

you may do 1 line and to pentagons so if you do that you may a hexagon with to make a triangleand a pentagon to make a hexagon Love Amber Marie Tobin

Can you show me at least 1 polygon?

A Cut the legs off of this A and you have a triangle, which is a polygon. Triangle Heptagon Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon Octagon Decagon Nonagon that is all of the polygons

If you make half of a hexagon what shape do you get?

a square ----------- Assuming it's a regular hexagon, it can be one of two shapes depending on whether you cut it in half on a side or on a vertex. On a side, it is an irregular pentagon. On a vertex, it is a trapezoid (quadrilateral).

What shape does a hexagon make when cut in half?

If divided by a vertex-to-vertex line, it is an isosceles trapezium. If divided by a line from one side to the opposite side, it will make an irregular pentagon.

How to draw a hexagon?

A hexagon is a six-sided figure. Cut an equilateral triangle out of a piece of paper. Chop off little equilateral triangles at each tip of the triangle. What you have is a hexagonal piece of paper. Draw around it.

How do you make a working model of math?

you can make a working model of any polygons. first,draw any polygons (triangle,pentagon,hexagon etc....)and also draw its interior angles and exterior angles (note the polygons sum of the angles). then cut its exterior angles.then bring the all exterior angles(after the cut) you can make a circle. its means , the sum of the exteriorangles of any polygon =sum of the angles of a circle (360 degree = 360 degree)

Make a hexagon what degree do i cut my wood?

to make an quilateral hexagon (all the angles identical) each internal angle should be 108 degrees.

Is hexagon the strongest shape?

Well basically yeah it kinda is. A hexagon is A six sided figure. We know that many geometric buildings contains triangles. When a hexagon is cut into two it is a trapezoid. when that is cut into two in is a triangle. a hexagon is basically a lot of triangles stuck together. We all know that i triangle can't be stronger than two or more. so what do you think is stronger, a triangle or a hexagon. * * * * * The answer will depend on what you mean by "strongest" but the above answer is just a load of garbage! Any polygon with four or more sides is not rigid. It can be skewed in the same way that a square can be flexed so that it becomes a rhombus. The only rigid polygon is a triangle. That is one reason why triangles are used in structures and also why rectangles (or similar shapes) need to be cross-braced.

What is the name for half a hexagon?

If you bisect a regular hexagon (cut in half from one vertex to the opposite vertex) the shape you get is a trapezoid. If you bisect the hexagon from the midpoint of one side to the midpoint of the opposite side, then the shape you would is a pentagon, similar looking to home plate in baseball.

How can you make one cut in the hexagon to make a triangle?

Break it down. Hexa means six so it has six sides. And tri means three so it has three sides. Draw it and you will see. Heres a hint. You'll have two when you finish

Raquel has a hexagon She wants to cut it into parallelograms How many parallelograms can she cut from a hexagon?