5 minutes
There are 300 minutes in 5 hours
You need 5 of 12 minutes to make an hour.
5 000 000 minutes = 83 333, 3333 hours = 3472,2222 days = almost 10 years
1 hour = 60 minutes so 5 hours and 38 minutes = 5*60 + 38 minutes = 338 minutes.
5 minutes
There are 300 minutes in 5 hours
Chat with her and her ONLY. Make yourself invisible to others and what not. Nothing will make her feel LESS special than taking you 5 minutes to reply a simple 'yes' or 'no'. ;)
cover and refrigerate yourself for 3-4 days after that time is up fold up your body and get into the microwave microwave the product for 5-6 minutes let cool for about a minute walk out the door and watch as all the bitches come your way
3 hours and 5 minutes.
Well, darling, 5 minutes on Jupiter is about 300 Earth minutes. You see, Jupiter's day is about 9.9 Earth hours long, so if you do the math, 5 minutes on Jupiter equals about 300 minutes on good ol' Earth. So, if you ever find yourself on Jupiter, make sure to savor those 5 minutes because you've got a lot more time on your hands there!
About 2-5 Minutes
Attention Shoppers! Our store will be closing in 5 minutes, please come to the front to pay for your items, otherwiseplease begin leaving the store.
Do some work for 10 minutes that someone thinks is worth paying you 5 dollars for.
You first tilt his head on the bed or a soft spot. Make sure you tilt the ear that he/she put something in on the soft spot. Then wait about 5 minutes. If it is a small or slippery thing it will come out in 5 minutes. If it is big then try shaking the head a few times. If it doesn't come out you might want to try a doctor!
By studying in short bursts, you can study longer and more effectively. BUT the key is to not break the deal you make---with yourself. Pick either an amount of time, or number of pages to read. For example: 15 minutes... or... 6 pages. Concentrate seriously to meet that goal. Then, you get a 5 minute break. Stand, stretch, get a drink of water... but you must be back to studying before 5 minutes passes. Use an egg timer--make yourself accountable and don't cheat. You'll be surprised how much you'll get done. After 45 minutes of 15 minutes of study, with 5 minutes breaks between, set a new goal--can you go 20 minutes before taking a break... If 20 or 30 minutes is too long, go back to 15 minute periods. If you keep your word (to yourself), pick a 30 minute TV program you want to see, but you must agree (with yourself) that at the end of those 30 minutes, you go right back to studying--and studying hard! Make notes; draw pictures of hard topics (like science); close your eyes and tell yourself what the last paragraph you read meant, in your own words.Think it's silly to study for 15 minutes with 5 minute breaks---not silly at all. It''s how I got through nursing school. It works!