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Move the decimal point two spaces to the right.

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Q: How can you mentally multiply a decimal number by 100?
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Multiply by 100 percent?

If you multiply a number by 100%, you are simply multiplying by 1. You can multiply by 100% to change a decimal number or fraction to a percent. (0.25)(100%)=25%. You can also divide by 100% to change a percent to a decimal number. 65%/100%= 65/100 or 0.65.

Do you multiply 2.9 percent x 100 to get the decimal?

whenever you multiply a whole number by a decimal you get a decimal. 2.9x100=290

How do you write a percent from a decimal?

Multiply the number by 100.Add a percentage sign.

How you write decimal as a percent?

You multiply the decimal number by 100 to get your percentage. Ex// .5 X 100 = 50%

How many places do you have to move the decimal point to multiply a decimal number by 1000?

Three. Count number of zeros. If multiply decimal by 100 move decimal point 2 places, etc.

How to get a percentage of a number?

Multiply it by 100. This moves the decimal point so that your answer is no longer in decimal form :)

How do you find the percentage in fractions?

Convert to a decimal number then multiply by 100. eg 3/4 Convert to a decimal (0.75) Multiply by 100 to give percent (0.75 x 100) =75%

What is .72 as a percent?

To find percents from a normal number, you will multiply the normal number by 100, the opposite as going from a percent to a decimal. Therefore, 7.2*100 is equal to 720%.

How can you turn a decimal into a francion?

Take the decimal and multiply by 10. Then put that new number over 100, then simplify.

How do you change a mixed number as a percent?

You can times the number by 100 and get your answer

How do you get the rate in percentage?

Multiply the rate by 100, then express it as a decimal number, followed by the % sign.

How do you get 30 percent of a number?

30 percent as a decimal is 0.3 (divide a percent by 100 to get the decimal value)Multiply the number by 0.3 to determine 30% of the number.