8000000000 or 8491038000
If the underlined digit in the number 677 is 6, you would round the whole number to 700. If the first 7 is underlined it would be 680.
The answer depends on the degree to which the number needs to be rounded.
The thousands digit is a 4, so it rounds down, giving 650000.
It is 8491040000.
8000000000 or 8491038000
-- If the digit to the right of the underlined one is 4 or less, then discard everything to the right of the underlined one. -- If the digit to the right of the underlined one is 5 or more, then add ' 1 ' to the underlined digit, and discard everything to the right of it.
If the underlined digit in the number 677 is 6, you would round the whole number to 700. If the first 7 is underlined it would be 680.
To round 654202 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand place, which is 4. Since the digit to the right of 4 is 2 (less than 5), we keep the 4 as it is and change all digits to the right of 4 to zero. Therefore, 654202 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 650,000.
Round each number to the underlined place 52.66
362 wer is the nearet tens
The answer depends on the degree to which the number needs to be rounded.
The thousands digit is a 4, so it rounds down, giving 650000.