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Q: How can you solve problems of tree shortage?
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How can you solve problems of food shortage?

just keep soil fertility and you should manage land resource.

What problems did this rapid pose for cities?

The problems of rapid growth are: -Food shortage -Water shortage -Health problems -More pollution

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Sandys tried to solve the labor shortage in Jamestown by promoting the creation of families in Jamestown.

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Bamboo can solve deforestation which is a big problem on our planet! Since bamboo is the fastest growing tree, it is easier not to loose our oxygen!

How did farmers living in the foothills solve food shortage?

I hate this

What problem did rapid growth pose for cities?

The problems of rapid growth are: -Food shortage -Water shortage -Health problems -More pollution

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Post war problems: unemployment, shortage of food, water, electricity and gas supply, healthcare problems, shortage of houses, education

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There are various ways that the youth can use to solve the problem on the rice shortage. They can start going to the farms to plant more rice and also bring in fresh ideas on how to increase production.

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There was a food shortage...

What was one the major problems in Jamestown?

There was a food shortage...

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no she did not solve any of his problems

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