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Q: How can you tell from a scatter plot whether two variables have a positive correlation a negative correlation or no correlation?
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How can you tell from a scatter plot wheather two variables have a positive correlation a negative correlation or no correlation?

Positive correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will rise from left to right (positive slope) Negative correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will fall from left to right (negative slope) No correlation = no real visible slope, the dots are too scattered to tell.

Is there a positive correlation a negative correlation or no correlation in the scatter plot Scatter Plot in Link httpi1158photobucketcomalbumsp615Connie1009untitledpng?

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What is the significance of using coefficient of correlation as a statistical tool of analysis?

It tells you how strong and what type of correlations two random variables or data values have. The coefficient is between -1 and 1. The value of 0 means no correlation, while -1 is a strong negative correlation and 1 is a strong positive correlation. Often a scatter plot is used to visualize this.

How do you read a scatter graph?

Scatter-plot shows correlation between two different variables (one on the y-axis, the other on x-axis). If there is linear correlation, the scatter-points form a straight line from zero (origo) to some direction. The more cloud-like distribution the scatter-plot does have, the less those variables in question have correlation or dependence with each other.

How do positive correlations and negative correlations differ?

An example of a positive correlation is: the number of cars on the road and the number of greenhouse gas emissions there are. As one of those rises, so does the other. A negative correlation is when one statistic rises causing the other to drop. Look at a few scatter plots and you will easily be able to see positive and negative correlations

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How can you tell from a scatter plot wheather two variables have a positive correlation a negative correlation or no correlation?

Positive correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will rise from left to right (positive slope) Negative correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will fall from left to right (negative slope) No correlation = no real visible slope, the dots are too scattered to tell.

What does it means to have a correlation in a scatter plot?

A correlation exists in a scatter plot if there is a general trend in the outputs as inputs increase. If the outputs generally increase in value, then there is a positive correlation. If the outputs generally decrease in value, then there is a negative correlation.

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Would a scatter plot relating the number of sweaters you own and your age would tend to have a positive negative or no correlation?


What is the significance of using coefficient of correlation as a statistical tool of analysis?

It tells you how strong and what type of correlations two random variables or data values have. The coefficient is between -1 and 1. The value of 0 means no correlation, while -1 is a strong negative correlation and 1 is a strong positive correlation. Often a scatter plot is used to visualize this.

If y tends to increase as x increases on a scatter plot what is the correlation of the paired data?

If Y increases as X increases, you are referring to a positive correlation. However, if Y falls as X increses, you have a negative correlation.

How do you read a scatter graph?

Scatter-plot shows correlation between two different variables (one on the y-axis, the other on x-axis). If there is linear correlation, the scatter-points form a straight line from zero (origo) to some direction. The more cloud-like distribution the scatter-plot does have, the less those variables in question have correlation or dependence with each other.

How do positive correlations and negative correlations differ?

An example of a positive correlation is: the number of cars on the road and the number of greenhouse gas emissions there are. As one of those rises, so does the other. A negative correlation is when one statistic rises causing the other to drop. Look at a few scatter plots and you will easily be able to see positive and negative correlations

How is a scatter plot that shows no correlation different from a scatter plot that has a negative corrrelation?

A scatterplot with no correlation means that there is no relation between the two categories, a negative correlation means that the two categories have a relationship that as one gets greater the other gets smaller

How do you draw a scatter plot with a negative correlation?

you graph the points going downwards

What are the three ways to describe data in a scatter plot?

You can describe if there's any obvious correlation (like a positive or negative correlation), apparent outliers, and the corrlation coefficient, which is the "r" on your calculator when you do a regression model. The closer "r" is to either -1 or 1, the stronger that correlation is.

Explain how you can determine the type of correlation for a set of data pairs by examining the data in a table without drawing a scatter plot?

"If y tends to increase as x increases, then the data have a positive correlation. If y tends to decrease as x increases, then the data have a negative correlation. If the points show no correlation, then the data have approximately no correlation."