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In general, you cannot.

If the fraction is in its simplest form and the denominator has any prime factor other than 2 or 5 then it is a repeating decimal; otherwise it will terminate. However, most people will not know simply by looking whether 21474836480 has any factors other than 2 and 5.

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Q: How can you tell if a decimal will be repeating or terminating by looking at a fraction?
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Can you simplify 5 over 9?

not in integers of you are looking for decimal form, it is 0.555555555555555555555 repeating

Why is point nine repeating equal to one?

To answer that question we should first talk about why any non-termination decimal number is equal to whatever it is. And to talk about that, we should first talk about the value of ordinary terminating decimals. Consider a terminating decimal, say 0.314. This decimal represents the sum of the fractions 3/10 + 1/100 + 4/1000; and longer (but still terminating) decimals can be computed in a similar way. But how do we decide what value a non-terminating decimal represents, say 0.314159265458979... and so on with a never-ending sequence of digits? By analogy, it should be equal to 3/10 + 1/100 + 4/1000 + 1/10,000 + ... and so on; but how can we figure out what such a never-ending sum adds up to? Well, one way of looking at it is as follows: Whatever value the decimal has, we know that (say)0.314 is off by no more than 0.001, since 0.314159... - 0.314 = 0.000159..., and 0.000159... is clearly < 0.001. Likewise, 0.3141 is off by no more than 0.0001, and 0.31415 is off by no more than 0.00001, and so on. In other words, the sequence of (terminating) decimals, 0.3, 0.31, 0.314, 0.3141, 0.31415, etc. gives us a list of better and better approximations to the ultimate value of the non-terminating decimal; and in fact by taking enough decimal places, the error in the approximation can be made as small as you like. If you've studied calculus, you may recognize this sort of discussion--it means that the value of the non-terminating decimal acts like the limit of the sequence of terminating decimals. In fact, it just *is* the limit of the sequence. So mathematicians have chosen to define the value of a non-terminating decimal as the limit of the sequence of approximations. Now we can talk about the specific case of 0.9 repeating: It turns out that the limit of the sequence 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, ... is just equal to 1, exactly (which should not be too hard to convince yourself of) and therefore the value of the non-terminating decimal 0.9 repeating is, by definition, equal to 1.

What are to fractions that have terminating decimal form?

1/2 is .5 that terminates. 1/8th is .125, also terminating. If you want NONterminating, your looking for things that end up with .33333, .66666, or .999999. like 1/3, or 2/3. Anyway. the easy way out of a fraction, is that every fraction is secretly just a division problem. Ex: 1/2 = .5, But 1 divided by 2 is .5 this works for everything

What fraction is equivalent for .333?

The vulgar fraction equivalent to 0.333 is 333/1000, or 333 thousandths. If the number you are looking to find the fraction of is 0.3 recurring (that is, 0.33333..., repeating endlessly), this is equal to 1/3, or one third.

What is 9.06 in a decimal?

9.06 is already in decimal form. If you are looking for it in a fraction, then you can say that it is 9 6/100 (the 6 is in the hundredths place) which can reduce to 9 3/50 (9 and 3 over 50)

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What is a example of a terminating and repeating decimal?

Okay. This If You Are Looking For A Example Of Terminating And Repeating Decimal You Came To The Right Place :] Example For Terminating Decimal 1/7= 0.142857 Example For Repeating Decimal 1/3= 0.33..

Can you simplify 5 over 9?

not in integers of you are looking for decimal form, it is 0.555555555555555555555 repeating

Why is point nine repeating equal to one?

To answer that question we should first talk about why any non-termination decimal number is equal to whatever it is. And to talk about that, we should first talk about the value of ordinary terminating decimals. Consider a terminating decimal, say 0.314. This decimal represents the sum of the fractions 3/10 + 1/100 + 4/1000; and longer (but still terminating) decimals can be computed in a similar way. But how do we decide what value a non-terminating decimal represents, say 0.314159265458979... and so on with a never-ending sequence of digits? By analogy, it should be equal to 3/10 + 1/100 + 4/1000 + 1/10,000 + ... and so on; but how can we figure out what such a never-ending sum adds up to? Well, one way of looking at it is as follows: Whatever value the decimal has, we know that (say)0.314 is off by no more than 0.001, since 0.314159... - 0.314 = 0.000159..., and 0.000159... is clearly < 0.001. Likewise, 0.3141 is off by no more than 0.0001, and 0.31415 is off by no more than 0.00001, and so on. In other words, the sequence of (terminating) decimals, 0.3, 0.31, 0.314, 0.3141, 0.31415, etc. gives us a list of better and better approximations to the ultimate value of the non-terminating decimal; and in fact by taking enough decimal places, the error in the approximation can be made as small as you like. If you've studied calculus, you may recognize this sort of discussion--it means that the value of the non-terminating decimal acts like the limit of the sequence of terminating decimals. In fact, it just *is* the limit of the sequence. So mathematicians have chosen to define the value of a non-terminating decimal as the limit of the sequence of approximations. Now we can talk about the specific case of 0.9 repeating: It turns out that the limit of the sequence 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, ... is just equal to 1, exactly (which should not be too hard to convince yourself of) and therefore the value of the non-terminating decimal 0.9 repeating is, by definition, equal to 1.

What are to fractions that have terminating decimal form?

1/2 is .5 that terminates. 1/8th is .125, also terminating. If you want NONterminating, your looking for things that end up with .33333, .66666, or .999999. like 1/3, or 2/3. Anyway. the easy way out of a fraction, is that every fraction is secretly just a division problem. Ex: 1/2 = .5, But 1 divided by 2 is .5 this works for everything

What is 7 tenths as a decimal fraction?

.7 or are you looking for 7/10

What is one twelfth as a decimal?

One twelfth as a decimal would be 1 / 12, or .08333333333333333 (the 3 is repeating, and so the answer you are probably looking for is .083)one twelth as a decimal = 0.83333

A number that can be used to indicate part of a whole?


What is 2.305 as a fraction?

461/200 as an improper fraction. 2.305 IS a fraction. I presume you're looking for its non-decimal equivalent which is 2 and 305 over 1000 or 461/200

What fraction is equivalent for .333?

The vulgar fraction equivalent to 0.333 is 333/1000, or 333 thousandths. If the number you are looking to find the fraction of is 0.3 recurring (that is, 0.33333..., repeating endlessly), this is equal to 1/3, or one third.

What is the equivalent to 3 OUTOF 5?

If you are looking for a decimal, then it is 0.6. As a fraction, it would simply be 3/5.

What is 0.12 with the 1 and 2 repeating as a fraction?

You are asking what is .12121212.... as a fraction. Now the repeating part has length two. Let's call the decimal .12121212.... W ( for Wiki of course) Now look at 100W=12.121212... Subtract W from 10W to get rid of the repeating part. 100W-W=12.12121212121....-.12121212121... so 99W=12 and W=12/99 which is 4/33 The answer I think you are looking for is: 4/33 Any double digit number over the same amount of 9s is equal to that number repeating For example: 48/99 = 0.4848484848... 103/999 = 0.103103103103... 8/9 = 0.888888888888... And therefore, 0.12121212... would have to be 12/99, which is simplified into 4/33

What is 50 percent off of 100?

50% is half of 100 or if you are looking for a Decimal it would be .50, or by a fraction it would be1/2.