Try dividing by some numbers. The larger the number, the more numbers you have to divide by. It is enough to test division by 2, and all the odd numbers up to the square root of the number.
For very large numbers, this is not efficient. There are more efficient methods, but they are also more difficult to understand.
You can tell it's a composite number if it can only be multiplied by 1 and itself.
You cannot. If a number is even - other than 2 - then it is a composite number. However, if it is odd, it is not easily possible to tell whether it is prime or composite.
it is a composite number because you can tell from the 8 that it is an even number, and even numbers can always be divided.
A good way to instantly tell if a number is prime or composite is to learn some tricks to tell if a number divides by certain numbers. For instance, if a number is even, we know it is composite as it must be divisible by 2. If a number ends in 0 or 5, then it also cannot be prime as it would be divisible by 5. In this case, the number ends in 5, so we can tell it must be composite and cannot be prime.
you cant
Prime numbers have two factors. Composite numbers have more than two.
It is even and therefore composite.
You cannot. If a number is even - other than 2 - then it is a composite number. However, if it is odd, it is not easily possible to tell whether it is prime or composite.
It is a composite number because it's an even number and it has more than two factors
it is a composite number because you can tell from the 8 that it is an even number, and even numbers can always be divided.
A number is composite if it has more than two factors. Once you find a third, you're done.
A good way to instantly tell if a number is prime or composite is to learn some tricks to tell if a number divides by certain numbers. For instance, if a number is even, we know it is composite as it must be divisible by 2. If a number ends in 0 or 5, then it also cannot be prime as it would be divisible by 5. In this case, the number ends in 5, so we can tell it must be composite and cannot be prime.
It has more than two factors.
you cant
Prime numbers have two factors. Composite numbers have more than two.
30 50 70 because they both end in 0 and 10 is a composite number
A number is prime when it only has one and itself as factors is prime. Therefore, to tell if a number is prime or composite simply find it's factors. If it has more than two factors than it is not a prime number, it is composite.
No. As soon as you have more than two, it's composite.