If you can write the number as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator, it is rational. In the case of decimal numbers, if the decimal representation terminates (e.g. 2.16), or is periodic (perhaps after some initial digits, like 4.130202020202...), then it is rational. For numbers defined according to some rule, it is not always known whether they are rational or irrational.
ILuv You!![; <3
Hope This Helps You!!(:
You probably don't have to inspect that pair too closely.Every integer IS a rational number.
a rational number repeats but terminates.ex:3.333333333. a irrational number doesn't terminate or repeat itself. ex:3.334334433444.
As much as, in these days of uncertainty, anything can be anything. As long as the constraints of a rational number are kept to, a rational number will always remain a rational number.
Yes, but only if the rational number is 0.
When it can be expressed as a fraction
Yes. You can tell because there is a finite number of decimal places. 0.91 = 91/100 which is a rational number.
You probably don't have to inspect that pair too closely.Every integer IS a rational number.
a rational number repeats but terminates.ex:3.333333333. a irrational number doesn't terminate or repeat itself. ex:3.334334433444.
If the whole number is a perfect square, its square root is rational. If not, it's not.
It is not possible to tell. There is no recurring pattern that can be discerned.
It is irrational.
It is a rational number. It can be written as a fraction.
If the number inside the radical is a perfect square or a ratio of perfect squares.
Is 12.05 a rational number or irrational number?
1.96 is a rational number