To make a fraction you need to understand fractions. There are two parts of a fraction, the numerator and the denominator. When you do the division a fraction turns into a decimal. To make it back into a fraction you either have to memorize the common ones or a simple way for me is to multiply it by 100. And then simplify. Let me show that in action as it may be confusing!
Step 1: Copy the problem
Step 2: Times the problem by one hundred.
.75 x 100
1 x 100
Note: There is always a denominator of one on a decimal.
.75 x 100 = 75
1 x 100 = 100
Step 3: You don't always have to do this, but most teachers like you to. We want to find common factors of 75 and 100. A good one to choose for this is 25. So divide the numerator and the denominator by 25.
75 / 25 = 3
100 / 25 = 4
Depends if it is in decimals .75 is the simplest form. is it is in fractions then it is three forths
The answer depends on what you want to turn into a fraction. And, incidentally, I do not turn into a fraction.
When you turn a fraction over you get a reciprocal.
you can't turn a reminder in to a fraction
.075 = 3/40 as a fraction in its simplest form
Well all you put is 075 so that Ina fraction would be 75/100 but I think you meant toputwhich wouldbe 75/1000
If you mean 0.75 then it is 3/4 as a fraction in its simplest form
To convert a decimal to a fraction, you can write the decimal as a fraction over a power of 10. In this case, .075 can be written as 75/100. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 25. Therefore, .075 as a fraction is 3/4.
Depends if it is in decimals .75 is the simplest form. is it is in fractions then it is three forths
The answer depends on what you want to turn into a fraction. And, incidentally, I do not turn into a fraction.
How to turn 0.625 into a fraction
how do you turn 10% into a fraction
turn 2.04 into a fraction
How do you turn 32.50% into a fraction?
When you turn a fraction over you get a reciprocal.