Move the decimal 2 places to right to change any decimal to a percent. Reverse, move decimal 2 places to the right to change any percent to a decimal. Knowing this should show that they represent the same quantities.
On what calculator?
use n to represent any number1 % of n is1/100 x n= n/100 answer
A percent symbol, on a keyboard shift and while pressing shift press 5.
Depending on its use, 73 percent can be regarded as : 73%, 73/100, or 0.73
Move the decimal 2 places to right to change any decimal to a percent. Reverse, move decimal 2 places to the right to change any percent to a decimal. Knowing this should show that they represent the same quantities.
On what calculator?
You could use a percent sign - 3%. Or you could use decimals - 0.3 for three percent, or 0.03 for three tenths percent. This is assuming you are working off of a hundred. # percent of a hundred is 3, three percent of 200 is 6. Percent is a ratio.
Divide the top number by the bottom and use a point.
0.8 or 80%.
A stock broker uses percent of change. Almost any buisness might use it to calculate the money gained over a certain period of time.
use n to represent any number1 % of n is1/100 x n= n/100 answer