With great difficulty. You can only do this if each dimension of the box is an exact multiple of the side of a cube - which is extremely unlikely. However, if that miracle happens, then you fill the box with cubes and count how many cubes it takes.
One way to find out the number of cubes that can fit inside a rectangular box is to use its volume. Knowing the volume of the cubes and that of the box can give an accurate reading of the cubes that can fit.
No. you would use cubes only if you were trying to find the perimeter, area, or volume of a dimensional shape.
You need to multiply the length, width, and height.
Cause the volume a box is wider than the volume of a cone and when we use shaped cone the cereal wont fit in
The volume of a box of cookies (or any other box, for that matter) can be found by multiplying the length, width and height of the box together. To discover the volume of a box, measure each dimension, and be sure to use the same units for each measurement. With the three dimensions in hand, grab your calculator or a pencil and paper and multiply length x width x height and find your answer in cubic units (whatever you chose to measure in).
One way to find out the number of cubes that can fit inside a rectangular box is to use its volume. Knowing the volume of the cubes and that of the box can give an accurate reading of the cubes that can fit.
No. you would use cubes only if you were trying to find the perimeter, area, or volume of a dimensional shape.
Find the volume of the box by using the measurments given; use the equation: V=L*B*H The volume of the closed box is the same as the volume of the open box. The difference is just that the open box has no top.
To find the volume of a box, you would use the formula Volume = Length x Width x Height. Measure the length, width, and height of the box in units (such as centimeters or inches), then multiply these values to calculate the volume of the box.
I suggest you use liters.
Water A measuring tape and a calculator
You need to multiply the length, width, and height.
Volume = (length) x (width) x (height) V = L W H
The volume of the box was greater then the volume of the paperclip.
Cause the volume a box is wider than the volume of a cone and when we use shaped cone the cereal wont fit in
if it is a regular shape, a box, prism, pyramid, cone, sphere, use a math formula. irregular shapes, use water displacement.
The volume of a box of cookies (or any other box, for that matter) can be found by multiplying the length, width and height of the box together. To discover the volume of a box, measure each dimension, and be sure to use the same units for each measurement. With the three dimensions in hand, grab your calculator or a pencil and paper and multiply length x width x height and find your answer in cubic units (whatever you chose to measure in).