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Q: How can you use the pattern in the table of combinations to find a number in pascals triangle?
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Why do we need Pascal's triangle?

Pascals triangle is important because of how it relates to the binomial theorem and other areas of mathematics. The binomial theorem tells us that if we expand the equation (x+y)n the result will equal the sum of k from 0 to n of P(n,k)*xn-k*yk where P(n,k) is the kth number from the left on the nth row of Pascals triangle. This allows us to easily calculate the exponential of binomials without ever having to resort to expanding term by term. In addition, the way that the triangle is constructed allows us to observe that P(n,k) is always equal to nCk or n choose k. While this may not seem important, you often need to calculate combinations in Statistics and Pascals Triangle provides one of the easiest ways to calculate a large number of combinations at once.

What are some cool fact on pascals triangle?

Pascal's triangle is a triangular array where each number is the sum of the two numbers above it. The numbers in the triangle have many interesting patterns and relationships, such as the Fibonacci sequence appearing diagonally. Additionally, the coefficients of the binomial expansion can be found in Pascal's triangle, making it a useful tool in combinatorics and probability.

What is the purpose of Pascal's triangle?

The Pascal's triangle is used partly to determine the coefficients of a binomial expression. It is also used to find the number of combinations taken n at a time of m things .

How many 2 number combinations can be made out of 7 numbers?

2 to the 7th power = 128 * * * * * No. That is the total number of combinations, consisting of any number of elements. The number of 2 number combinations is 7*6/2 = 21

Does the number of permutations always exceed the number of combinations?

No. The number of permutations or combinations of 0 objects out of n is always 1. The number of permutations or combinations of 1 object out of n is always n. Otherwise, yes.

Related questions

How does pascals triangle connect to combianatorics?

The rth entry in the nth row is the number of combinations of r objects selected from n. In combinatorics, this in denoted by nCr.

4 dice each dice has 6 numbers how many combinations could there be?

6^4 = 1296 combinations but some are repeatable e.g. 1221 = 2121 = 2112 etc. so for the total number of non repeatable combinations with 4 dice, use pascals triangle to get 126 unique combinations.

Why do we need Pascal's triangle?

Pascals triangle is important because of how it relates to the binomial theorem and other areas of mathematics. The binomial theorem tells us that if we expand the equation (x+y)n the result will equal the sum of k from 0 to n of P(n,k)*xn-k*yk where P(n,k) is the kth number from the left on the nth row of Pascals triangle. This allows us to easily calculate the exponential of binomials without ever having to resort to expanding term by term. In addition, the way that the triangle is constructed allows us to observe that P(n,k) is always equal to nCk or n choose k. While this may not seem important, you often need to calculate combinations in Statistics and Pascals Triangle provides one of the easiest ways to calculate a large number of combinations at once.

What are some cool fact on pascals triangle?

Pascal's triangle is a triangular array where each number is the sum of the two numbers above it. The numbers in the triangle have many interesting patterns and relationships, such as the Fibonacci sequence appearing diagonally. Additionally, the coefficients of the binomial expansion can be found in Pascal's triangle, making it a useful tool in combinatorics and probability.

How many odd numbers are in the 100th row of Pascals triangle?

The number of odd numbers in the Nth row of Pascal's triangle is equal to 2^n, where n is the number of 1's in the binary form of the N. In this case, 100 in binary is 1100100, so there are 8 odd numbers in the 100th row of Pascal's triangle.

What is the purpose of Pascal's triangle?

The Pascal's triangle is used partly to determine the coefficients of a binomial expression. It is also used to find the number of combinations taken n at a time of m things .

How to Convert atmosphere into pascals?

To convert atmosphere (atm) to pascals (Pa), multiply the value in atm by 101,325 (the number of pascals in 1 atm). For example, 1 atm is equal to 101,325 Pa.

How do you find the number of combinations of 6 letters?

The number of combinations of 6 letters is 6! or 720.

How manydifferent combinations can be made if second number is 2?

The whole point of combinations is that the order of the number (or items) does not matter. Once you specify what the second number is, you are no longer looking at combinations.

How to convert pascals to mega pascals?

To convert pascals to megapascals, divide the pressure value in pascals by 1,000,000. For instance, to convert 5,000,000 pascals to megapascals, you would divide 5,000,000 by 1,000,000 to get 5 megapascals.

How many 2 number combinations can be made out of 7 numbers?

2 to the 7th power = 128 * * * * * No. That is the total number of combinations, consisting of any number of elements. The number of 2 number combinations is 7*6/2 = 21

Does the number of permutations always exceed the number of combinations?

No. The number of permutations or combinations of 0 objects out of n is always 1. The number of permutations or combinations of 1 object out of n is always n. Otherwise, yes.