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You could model the tides as a simple harmonic motion. This is a form of a sine (or cosine) curve and will enable you to predict the times when the tide is coming in, reaches high tide, when it is ebbing and low tide. This information should help determine the best Surfing time.

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Q: How can you use the trigonometry to determine the best time of day to go surfing?
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Who discoved trignometry?

About 100 b.c., during the period of the Alexandrian Greeks, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus developed what is today called spherical trigonometry. The Greek astronomers used spherical trigonometry to determine the time of day, direction of motion, and the positions of ships or reference points. Greek trigonometry flourished in the following centuries, reaching its highest point with the astronomer Menelaus (first century a.d.) and his successor, Ptolemy. Following the decline of Greek civilization about 640 a.d., little progress occurred until the advancement of science and mathematics recommenced during the Renaissance, beginning approximately in 1400.

How do you find the value of x in trigonometry?

The answer depends on what x is meant to represent. Without that information, the question is a waste of time.

What is the most common way trig is used in everyday life?

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) use trigonometry. There are a number of satellites orbiting the earth. The GPS uses the time signals sent by these satellites to establish the distance to the satellites. Trigonometry is then used to find the location of the GPS unit.

Who are the mathematicians that developed trigonometry?

The first recorded use of trigonometry came from the Hellenistic mathematician Hipparchus circa 150 BC, who compiled a trigonometric table using the sine for solving triangles. Ptolemy further developed trigonometric calculations circa 100 ADDevelopment of trigonometry is not the work of any one man or nation. It first originated in India and the basic concepts of angle and measurements was noted in Vedic texts such as Srimad Bhagavatam. However, trigonometry in its present form was established in Surya Siddhanta and later by Aryabhata [5th century CE]. It should be noted that from the time of Hipparchus until modern times there was no such thing as a trigonometric ratio. Instead, the Indian civilization and after them the Greeks and the Muslims used trigonometric lines.Pythagoras of Samos (580? BC- 500? BC) was an Ionian Greek mathematician and also founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism.Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1135-1213) (aka Sharafeddin Tusi) widely promulgated studies in trigonometry, which was compiled by him as a new subject in its own right for the first time. He also developed the subject of spherical trigonometry.

Related questions

When is the best time of year to go surfing anywhere?

Normally winter.

What is free surfing?

Free surfing is generally described as surfing with no rules, time limits or judges. It is essentially the opposite of surfing competitions as they have to abide by certain rules.

When is the best time to surf in Australia?

It depends on where you go. Some of the greatest surfing is done off the southern coast, near Anglesea, during the colder Winter months (June-July). At Surfers Paradise (Gold Coast, Queensland), the surfing is best during Summer-Autumn, but good all the time.

What surfing movies are considered among the best of all time?

The best surfing movies of all time can certainly vary depending on a variety of factors. Here is a list of a few to try out that others have considered the best, and you can be the judge once you watch them all! The Endless Summer, Blue Crush, Riding Giants, Chasing Mavericks, and A Deeper Shade Of Blue.

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So that she could spend more time in the water, for the schools ran during prime surfing hours (best surfing times during the day)

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There many softwares that tracking time or how much time you spent on surfing. Try to search it in google or yahoo "time tracking".

When is the best time to go to Cape Verde?

In the summer. Around august September and october In these times it is the hottest. Great for surfing and kite flying.

Is trigonometry before pre-calculus?

They can be taken at the same time.

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During winter ie.. from october through april. The big advantage is surfing and night time orange glow from valcanoes.

What year did surfing originate?

along time ago

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The best surfer of all time is Santonio Holmes. Holmes won 15 straight WSC (World surfing championship) Titles from age 56-82

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