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Q: How can you use the y-intercept and growth factor to write an equation for an exponential function?
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If you horizontally compress the exponential function f(x) 2x by a factor of 4 which of these is the equation of the new function?

It is f(x) = 8x.

What is decay factor?

The constant factor that each value in an exponential decay pattern is multiplied by the next value. The decay factor is the base in an exponential decay equation. for example, in the equation A= 64(0.5^n), where A is he area of a ballot and the n is the number of cuts, the decay factor is 0.5.

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Write an equation for an exponential growth function where the initial population is 76 and the population quadruples during each time period?

The equation for this exponential growth function is: P(t) = 76 * 4^t, where P(t) is the population at time t and 4 represents the quadrupling factor. The initial population at time t=0 is 76.

What possible values can the growth factor have in an exponential decay equation?

Any number below negative one.

What is a growth factor in exponential growth?

implementation of exponential groth

What is a exponential factor?

The exponential factor gives the proportion of collisions with kinetic energy greater than the activation energy

What is exponent growth?

That means that the growth is equal to, or similar to, an exponential function, which can be written (for example) as abx, for constants "a" and "b". One characteristic of exponential growth is that the function increases by the same percentage in the same time period. For example, it increases 5%, or equivalently by a factor of 1.05, every year.

What is the factor in an exponential form?


How do you do Linear and Exponential Equations?

That completely depends on exactly what operation you have in mind. You can "do" several different types of operations to an equation, such as solve it, differentiate it, rearrange it, factor it, or apply the same arithmetic procedure to both sides of it. But you can't "do" the equation.

What is a population in which exponential growth is limited by a density dependent factor?

the answer must be exponential growth model.

What is a factor called in a exponential notation?

the base