77 in decimal form is 77.0
It is already in its simplest form as a decimal but if you mean as an improper fraction then it is -77/20 in its simplest form
It is already in decimal form.
Either 77/100 or 0.77
77 in decimal form is 77.0
77 hundredths as a decimal is 0.77. As a decimal it is said as 'zero point seven, seven'. NOT 'point seventy seven' as the digits are being given the wrong names. As a fraction it is 77/100.
It is already in its simplest form as a decimal but if you mean as an improper fraction then it is -77/20 in its simplest form
decimal form 77 over 99 = 0.77777...77/99:= 77 ÷ 99= 0.7778 in decimal
It is: 77 and 159/250 in its simplest form
It is: 14/100 plus 14/10 = 77/50 in its simplest form or 1.54 as a decimal
It is already in decimal form.
You would write it as 0.77
Either 77/100 or 0.77
28/77 is equal to 0.363636 . . .