It is a rational number, in decimal form. In the form of a ratio, it is 11/100.
- 2 (A+)
12.52 is rational, as is any number that you can write out completely in decimal form.
A decimal can only be expressed as a fraction if it is a rational number as for example 0.75 = 3/4 because it is a rational number
It is a rational number, in decimal form. In the form of a ratio, it is 11/100.
You divide the numerator of the rational expression by its denominator.
Yes. Any number that you can completely write down using digits and a decimal point is a rational number.
The rational number for the number -3.20 would be 4/10. This is a math problem.
Not completely to its end. If you can completely write a number with digits, then it's a rational number.
- 2 (A+)
Yes. It's the ratio of (30,303) to (250,000). Any number that you can write completely using digits and a decimal point is a rational number.