You can write eighty-six thousand dollars as "$86,000" in numerical form, or as "eighty-six thousand dollars" in words.
A numerical expression is an expression that uses number. For example, if a teacher told you to write four plus six subract two , you would simply write it in number form. 4+6-2.
eighty thousand nine hundred twenty-three and eighty-six hundredths in number form is 80,923.86
one hundred twenty-five million, seven hundred forty thousand, six hundred eighty-nine125,740,689
Eighty-six thousand in numerical form is "86,000".
20 - 11 = 9
You can always write a numerical division expression as a decimal.
You can write eighty-six thousand dollars as "$86,000" in numerical form, or as "eighty-six thousand dollars" in words.
eighty thousand, twenty.
eighty thousand, twenty.
A numerical expression is an expression that uses number. For example, if a teacher told you to write four plus six subract two , you would simply write it in number form. 4+6-2.