

How circle have side and corner?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: How circle have side and corner?
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What shape as neither a corner nor straight side?

a circle

What is th degree symbol?

it is a big circle on the top right side corner of a number.

Does the bottom of a bucket have a corner?

The bottom of a bucket has one corner. This is the corner where the flat bottom part of the bucket meets the side and rises up, it is curved around in a circle and is the only corner in a bucket's bottom.

What is the area of largest square that can be inscribed in a circle?

Square dimension corner to corner = cicre diameter, D That means each side is from Pythagorean theorem D/sqrt(2) Area = side x side = D squared /2, that is, (D^2/2)

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yes it can. The corner can be like a circle

Are monitors measured side to side or corner to corner?

Corner to corner just like a T V.

How many corner does circle have?


Corner in a circle?

A circle has no corners. :) It just goes round and round and round...

What shape has no corner no faces it has a curve?

A circle!

How many sides and corner do a circle have?


How many corner does a circle has?

None normally

When is there a short corner in hockey?

A long corner is awarded when the the ball is played unintentionally over the baseline by the defending team. The long corner is then taken from the 25yard line and level with were the ball went off the backline. If the long corner terminology is confusing, it should be as it is no longer taken from the corner of the pitch but at the 25yrd line parallel to the baseline, the position of the long corner free hit has changed but the terminology remains the same.