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Q: How close to the travel part of the roadway can you park with division 1.2 or 1.3 materials?
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What materials sound can travel through?

sound can travel through air , water and lots more

How was the ocean a barrier and roadway to the discovery of the Americas?

The oceans on both sides of the country were a barrier because most land on the other hemisphere is joined or very close. The were a roadway because they allowed Columbus to discover the Americas.

What is the longest running play in roadway?

If you mean Broadway (which I think you do) it's The Phantom of the Opera, The Lion King is at a close second

In the New World how was the ocean a barrier and roadway to the discovery of the Americas?

The oceans on both sides of the country were a barrier because most land on the other hemisphere is joined or very close. The were a roadway because they allowed Columbus to discover the Americas.

Which is faster for viberating sound travel solid or liquid or gas or vacuum?

Sound travels fastest in solids because the particles are close together, allowing for quicker transfer of energy through vibrations. In liquids, sound travels slower than in solids but faster than in gases due to the density of the medium. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because it requires a medium to propagate.

Does a Blind pedestrian have the right of way?

A Blind pedestrian has the right of way if they are already in the roadway or appear to be ready to step onto the roadway. You must slow down if you are uncertain what any pedestrian is about to do. If a blind person is standing back from the corner with a seeing eye dog and does not appear close to or preparing to cross the street, of course you can continue--slowly.

How close to the road can i build a barbwire fence?

That depends on your local municipal or county rules and regulations. In my area it must be 12 ft from the edge of the roadway, but I know it differs in some areas.

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6 months

Why will molecules travel away from one another?

They will travel away from each other if they are similarly charged (+) (+) or (-) (-) They will travel close to each other if they are not similarly charged (+) (-).

What materials did Chuck Close used?

Paint, paint brshes and cotton buds

In the field of science how close are we to interdimensional travel?

One dimension away.