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Q: How con the independent variable be used to collect information to answer a question?
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Is the independent variable measured?

Both dependent and independent variables must be either a measure or a count. When you collect the data the independent variable often (but not always) is a whole number. As an example: A plant grew 1.5" the first day, 1.3" the second day... The growth (in inches) is plotted on the Y-axis and is dependent on the time (days) interval over which the growth rate was measured. Days plot on the X-axis as the independent variable.

Is independent variable measurable?

Both dependent and independent variables must be either a measure or a count. When you collect the data the independent variable often (but not always) is a whole number. As an example: A plant grew 1.5" the first day, 1.3" the second day... The growth (in inches) is plotted on the Y-axis and is dependent on the time (days) interval over which the growth rate was measured. Days plot on the X-axis as the independent variable.

What is a resultant variable?

A resulting variable is the variable in the experiment that you don't change. As when the manipulating variable is the variable that you do change.

What is a dependent and indenpendent variale?

A dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. The dependent variable responds to the independent variable. It is called dependent because it "depends" on the independent variable. In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a dependent variable without an independent variable. Example: You are interested in how stress affects heart rate in humans. Your independent variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart rate. You can directly manipulate stress levels in your human subjects and measure how those stress levels change heart rate.

How would scientist organize data collected from an experiment into a graph?

Scientists typically organize their data into a graph by choosing the appropriate type of graph (such as line, bar, or scatter plot) based on the nature of the data. They then plot the independent variable on the x-axis and the dependent variable on the y-axis, ensuring each data point is accurately represented. Finally, they may add labels, titles, and legends to clearly communicate the relationship being shown in the graph.

What are the steps to a scientific method?

The steps to the scientific method as it is today. 1) Ask a scientific question. What is that growing in the yard? 2) Make observations. -For example: Your 5 senses. Hearing, feeling, tasting, sight, and smell. 3) Gather information. -Make a list of all the places you could gather information for a scientific question. 4) Form a Hypothesis. -What you think the outcome of the Experiment will be. 5)Experiment. -Controlled experiment: only one variable is being changed/ manipulated at a time. -Control: is the part of an experiment that is standard against which results are compared. -Dependent Variable: is the condition in the experiment that is being tested. (is the variable that you would be measuring) -Independent Variable: is the variable that is being changed/ manipulated in the experiment. -Constant: any variable that remains the same for all experimental groups. 6) Collect Data. -Numerical data is often displayed in a chart. 7) Analyze Data. -Graph your results. 8) Draw a conclusion. -Compare your results to your Hypothesis. Scientific Method: 1.Ask a scientific question 2. Make an observation. 3. Ask a question. 4. Make a hypothesis. 5. Conduct an experiment. 6. Collect data 7. Analyze data 8. Draw a conclusion See link below:

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Design a simple experiment to test the effects of fertilizer on plant growth Write a descriptive essay explaining what the independent and dependent variables are and what data you will collect?

In this experiment, you would have two groups of plants: one group that receives fertilizer and one that does not. The independent variable is the fertilizer application, as this is what we are manipulating. The dependent variable is the plant growth, as this is what we are measuring as the outcome of the experiment. Data to collect would include measurements of plant height, number of leaves, and overall plant appearance over a set period of time to determine the effect of fertilizer on plant growth.

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