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Q: How could you extend the range of values they represent?
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How could you extend the range of value data represent?

We extend the range of values by changing the data types. Such as if a variable declare by int data type It's range between -32768 to 32766. We can extend it's range by change the type long or other. If we change long then its range between -2147483468 to 2147483467.

How could you extend the range of values four basic data type represent?

use modifier long:long int, long long, long float(there is no 'long char' or 'long short' though)

How do you decide which integer type to use in c language?

By the range of values you wish to represent.

When utilizing a function what does a range of cells represent?

A range can be one of the arguments in a function. It can also be an array of values. It depends on the function and what it needs to work.

What is intensity values?

Intensity values refer to the brightness or amplitude of a pixel in an image. These values typically range from 0 (black) to 255 (white) in grayscale images and can represent different colors in color images. High intensity values correspond to brighter pixels, while low intensity values represent darker pixels.

What are the values of lab values?

The normal lab values for lipase are 10 - 140 U/L. This being said, there are many factors which need to be considered when interpreting lab results. Even a value within this range could represent a problem. Only qualified health care professionals should make treatment decisions.

Why do you need signed and unsigned integer?

We need signed integers in order to represent both negative and positive values. However, some numbers can never be negative. For instance, the size of a file must always be greater than or equal to zero so we use unsigned integers to represent file sizes. Also, natural numbers must be greater than 0 so there's no point in using a signed value to represent a natural number. Signed integers also use one bit to denote the sign, but unsigned integers do not thus unsigned integers can effectively represent twice the range of positive values than an unsigned integer can. For instance, an 8-bit signed value can represent values in the range -128 to +127 using twos complement notation, but an 8-bit signed value can represent values in the range 0 to 255.

Can I buy a cable to extend the range of my wireless mouse's transmitter?

There is not a cable that can extend the range of a wireless mouse.

What is the term in statistics for the difference between the smallest and largest values in the data set?

RangeThe term for the difference between the smallest and the largest values in a set of data is called the range. It is probably derived from the idea that the values of the numbers in the data could range anywhere from the lowest to the highest values but not beyond. The range is a measure of how disperse (spread out) the values are but it is not a very powerful measure.

How many different values can 128 bits represent?

A 128-bit register can store 2 128th (over 3.40 × 10 38th) different values. The range of integer values that can be stored in 128 bits depends on the integer representation used.

What are extreme values?

Extreme values are the maximum or minimum values of a function or a dataset. They represent the highest or lowest points in the data set and are useful for understanding the overall characteristics or outliers in the data.

Domain and range?

In algebra, the domain consists of all possible values for the x variable that could make the function work. The range is all of the possible values of the function, using each number in the domain.