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Q: How could you fall off a ten-meter ladder and not be hurt?
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How could you fall off a twenty-foot ladder and not get hurt?

There are several ways you could fall off a twenty foot ladder and not get hurt. You could, for example, fall from the first or second rung. You could fall off of the top rung onto a high surface. Or, you could fall off the ladder as it was lying on the ground! Interesting question, though! Does make one think a little bit. You could fall onto a big pile of hay, and... and...

What are the main hazards of using ladders?

The main hazard of using a ladder is that you could fall and hurt yourself. After that, the hazards include dropping something from a ladder onto someone below, or having something dropped on you by whoever is on the ladder.

What cause injury?

If you are doing a sport you could fall or hurt yourself

A boy fell off a 100 foot ladder But he did not get hurt Why?

Becasue the ladder was laying down.

Can you get hurt from hitting you nose?

yes because u could brake it or it could fall off

What are the problems of falling trees?

You could get SKUSHIED! They hurt things when they fall down.

What causes Nerve injury?

If you are doing a sport you could fall or hurt yourself

How are monkey bars dangerous?

You could fall and hurt yourself or you could hit your head on the monkey bars and get a concussion

Why don't cats hurt them shelf when they fall?

they should not fall and get hurt

When did going under a ladder become bad luck?

although going under a ladder isn't bad luck, probally someone who was walking under a ladder probally got hurt or killed walking under a ladder when something fell on him from a worker on the ladder

How do you make up a sentence using hurt?

The child fell down from the ladder and got hurt badly.

What are the dangers of the wild?

big animals, and big trees that could fall and hurt you but mostley big animals. :)