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I always remember that we pray vertically, meaning vertical is up and down. Works for me.

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Q: How could you remember vertical and horizontal?
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How can you remember what the difference is between vertical and horizontal?

If you remember what the horizon looks like you'll remember that horizontal stretches from left to right.

Are rows horizontal or vertical line?

Rows are always horizontal, and columns are vertical. It's easier to remember when you think of rows of seats (like in a sports stadium) which are horizontal, and buildings have tall columns, which are vertical.

What direction is horizontal?

The way to remember it is horizontal is like the horizon, so flat like this: ___________________________________________________________ That was a horizontal line. Vertical is the other way (so up and down): | | | | | | | That was a vertical line.

What does horizontal mean if i am using a linegraph?

H for horizontal. You may remember this by the letter H. Remember the ' - ' as the horizontal line which connects the ' l ' and ' l ' in the alphabet 'H'. ------------------- <-- This is a horizontal line. | | | | <-- This is a vertical line. | |

What are non vertical lines?

Non-vertical lines could be slanted or horizontal.

Which way is vertical an which way is horizontal?

horizontal is side to side and vertical is up and down.

Which axis is the X and Y on?

The y-axis is vertical and the x-axis is horizontal.

What is vertical and what is horizontal?

Vertical is up and horizontal is across

Is the san Andreas fault horizontal or vertical?

Vertical and horizontal

What type of power sharing does India have horizontal or vertical?

vertical and horizontal

Does length mean up and down like horizontil?

"Up and down" is vertical. Side to side (or across) is horizontal. An easy way to remember this is "horizontal" runs like the horizon. The vertical measurment is usually referred to as the height. The length would be the horizontal measurement.

Is horizontal up down?

No. Up-down is vertical. Horizontal is perpendicular to vertical.