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Q: How did Rene descartes accomplishments affect other mathematicians?
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yes very indeed they were the buliding blocks of science and many other thing with out them scientist would be baffled by our technologies today

Why did Rene descartes like mathes?

Most people who use their brains and are open to thought will appreciate the beauty of mathematics. Some are able mathematicians, other less so. Descartes was one of the more able people.

Who are the great mathematicians and their contributions in analytic geometry?

Analytical geometry was founded by the French mathematician, Renee Descartes. As for subsequent contributors to that subject, I will leave that for other contributors to add.

How did imaginary numbers get their name?

Rene Descartes came up with the word imaginary in 1637 to describe them. It was a derogatory term. He (and many other mathematicians of that age) did not like imaginary numbers. Many people didn't believe in them, because they were not real.

Who were the other mathematicians who made contribution in mathematics?

There are many mathematicians who made contributes in mathematics but one is Sophie Germain.

Are mathematicians generally excellent writers?

There can be no generalisation about mathematicians or any other professions. Even some authors are not good writers!

How did sacajawea's accomplishments affect them or the world around her?

She stood as and role model and example to other native Americans and young leaders around the world.

Who are the famous mathematicians who discovered the amicable numbers?

Pythagoras discovered the smallest pair of amicable numbers: 220 and 284. The Arab mathematician Al-Banna found a larger amicable pair, 17,296 and 18,416, but European mathematicians were not aware of this discovery. Pierre de Fermat rediscovered this amicable pair in 1636. Rene Descartes rediscovered another amicable pair known to Arab mathematicians in 1638 - the pair 9,363,584 and 9,437,056. Leonhard Euler found 30 pairs of amicable numbers by 1747 because he developed a formula that could produce amicable pairs. B. Nicolo I. Paganini found the smaller amicable pair 1184 and 1210 that had been missed by other European mathematicians in 1866.

In maths why 'x' denotes the unknown?

Answer In 1637, a very important book was published in France by Rene Descartes. he used the letter 'x', 'y','z' to stand for the unknown amounts in his maths problems. his book became very popular. other mathematicians followed his practice & started using the letter 'x' to denote the unknown.

What other science did Rene Descartes delve into?

e was a nice man

Did David Blackwell have any collaborations with other mathematicians?

yes such as M.A Girschick

Are mathematicians quiet?

No more or less than most other groups of people.