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Q: How did Sophocles both use and not use the traditional storytelling formula?
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In The Kite Runner what does amir and soraya has in common?

Amir and Soraya both share a complex relationship with their fathers which influences their actions and decisions throughout the novel. They both also struggle with feelings of guilt and redemption for past actions they have taken. Additionally, they both deeply value the power of storytelling and use it as a way to connect with others and create meaning in their lives.

Did Socrates know sophocles?

It is believed that Socrates and Sophocles knew each other, as they both lived in Athens during the same time period. Sophocles was a renowned playwright and Socrates was a philosopher known for engaging in conversations with prominent figures of his time. Though there is no direct evidence of their interactions, it is possible that their paths crossed in ancient Athens.

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Why did latin American writers use tradional and modern magical realism?

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