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There really was no question of survival in connection with algebra. It was a very useful tool invented by Muslim mathematicians Other cultures found good reason to study it and expand it.

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Q: How did algebra survive and pass on to other cultures of the world?
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Who evented math?

Different cultures have made their own forms of mathematics. The Mayans, Indians, Greeks, and Chinese all developed separate math systems. Our mathematics today comes mainly from ideas developed in ancient India and Greece. Algebra and other topics were taken from India to Arabia, where they were then transferred to Europe. Most of our geometry comes from the Greeks. Calculus was developed in Europe by Sir Isaac Newton. There was no single person who invented mathematics. Mathematics was used, and technically invented, by many cultures around the world. These cultures used their own form of mathematics, which could be considered 'math' in their time and how they used it. These cultures include the Mayans, Indians, Greeks, and Chinese, India and Greece. These forms of math spread throughout the world, and eventually became the math we know today. However, there are many topics under 'math'. We do know the sole inventor of Algebra, but Algebra isn't math as a whole, so the inventor can only be credited for Algebra, the certain subject of math that helps people solve real world problems. The inventor was Arabic scholar Al-Khwarizmi (c. 780 - c. 850). He invented what is known today as 'Algebra'. Though many cultures before Al-Khwarizmi had used different forms of algebraic methods (such as the Babylonians), Al-Khwarizmi is still considered the "father of Algebra" because of his extensive work, knowledge, and wisdom to know that he was using, and inventing, Algebra. Well technically no one has ever invented math but I know that the Greeks had started a way of counting numbers.

What is the name of the man who created math?

There was no single person who invented mathematics. Mathematics was used, and technically invented, by many cultures around the world. These cultures used their own form of mathematics, which could be considered 'math' in their time and how they used it. These cultures include the Mayans, Indians, Greeks, and Chinese, India and Greece. These forms of math spread throughout the world, and eventually became the math we know today. However, there are many topics under 'math'. We do know the sole inventor of Algebra, but Algebra isn't math as a whole, so the inventor can only be credited for Algebra, the certain subject of math that helps people solve real world problems. The inventor was Arabic scholar Al-Khwarizmi (c. 780 - c. 850). He invented what is known today as 'Algebra'. Though many cultures before Al-Khwarizmi had used different forms of algebraic methods (such as the Babylonians), Al-Khwarizmi is still considered the "father of Algebra" because of his extensive work, knowledge, and wisdom to know that he was using, and inventing, Algebra. Well technically no one has ever invented math but I know that the Greeks had started a way of counting numbers.

Why is algebra is good for you?

Algebra helps you solve real-world problems that you will face when you are on your own.

What is the value of pi in other cultures?

Pi is a universal math term that is the same all over the world.

What is the importance of boolean algebra in today's world in the construction of digital logics?

Digital logic IS hardware that implements Boolean algebra.

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traveling helped to expand the culture and to get minerals and objects to survive.

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Australia has all of the worlds cultures, as we are extremely pro-immigration, we have most if not all the cultures from the world in our country

World history algebra?

Both world history and algebra are required subjects in both high school and college. Both will also have related questions on the SATs and other entrance exams.

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Media facilitates a culture's transmission to other cultures and vice versa. i.e. Every culture is influenced by other cultures around them, but with medias like internet, cultures are influenced by all the other cultures of the world.

Who evented math?

Different cultures have made their own forms of mathematics. The Mayans, Indians, Greeks, and Chinese all developed separate math systems. Our mathematics today comes mainly from ideas developed in ancient India and Greece. Algebra and other topics were taken from India to Arabia, where they were then transferred to Europe. Most of our geometry comes from the Greeks. Calculus was developed in Europe by Sir Isaac Newton. There was no single person who invented mathematics. Mathematics was used, and technically invented, by many cultures around the world. These cultures used their own form of mathematics, which could be considered 'math' in their time and how they used it. These cultures include the Mayans, Indians, Greeks, and Chinese, India and Greece. These forms of math spread throughout the world, and eventually became the math we know today. However, there are many topics under 'math'. We do know the sole inventor of Algebra, but Algebra isn't math as a whole, so the inventor can only be credited for Algebra, the certain subject of math that helps people solve real world problems. The inventor was Arabic scholar Al-Khwarizmi (c. 780 - c. 850). He invented what is known today as 'Algebra'. Though many cultures before Al-Khwarizmi had used different forms of algebraic methods (such as the Babylonians), Al-Khwarizmi is still considered the "father of Algebra" because of his extensive work, knowledge, and wisdom to know that he was using, and inventing, Algebra. Well technically no one has ever invented math but I know that the Greeks had started a way of counting numbers.

How does European Culture spread to other parts of the world?

they learned about other cultures by exploration

How has television effected the evolution of the world's cultures?

It has changed the world's culture by sharing other beliefs around the world and also showing what other kinds of culture there are. Have you ever seen traveling shows? Well that is how different cultures are shared around the world.

What is the name of the man who created math?

There was no single person who invented mathematics. Mathematics was used, and technically invented, by many cultures around the world. These cultures used their own form of mathematics, which could be considered 'math' in their time and how they used it. These cultures include the Mayans, Indians, Greeks, and Chinese, India and Greece. These forms of math spread throughout the world, and eventually became the math we know today. However, there are many topics under 'math'. We do know the sole inventor of Algebra, but Algebra isn't math as a whole, so the inventor can only be credited for Algebra, the certain subject of math that helps people solve real world problems. The inventor was Arabic scholar Al-Khwarizmi (c. 780 - c. 850). He invented what is known today as 'Algebra'. Though many cultures before Al-Khwarizmi had used different forms of algebraic methods (such as the Babylonians), Al-Khwarizmi is still considered the "father of Algebra" because of his extensive work, knowledge, and wisdom to know that he was using, and inventing, Algebra. Well technically no one has ever invented math but I know that the Greeks had started a way of counting numbers.

What are cultural holidays?

Where you travel out of your culture and experience other cultures around the world

How did the Phoenicians link parts of the ancient world?

They traded communicated with other cultures.

When was World Cultures created?

World Cultures was created in 1985.