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1/3 to the gods

1/3 to the sapa inca

1/3 to for them to have

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Q: How did an ayllu divide its crops and where would each part go to?
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What are some ways the ayllu was a basis for Inca society?

The foundation of Incan Society was the ayllu. Each ayllu had its own farmland and homes, but the ayllu did not own the land. The government loaned land to the ayllus for living and for farming. The people of an ayllu then worked this communal land cooperatively to grow crops and produce goods.

What was an Inca ayllu?

There were ayllus in Hanan Cusco (upper) and Hurnin Cusco (lower). Each Sapa had his own Allyu. For example, Pachacuti's descendants formed the Hatun ayllu and Topa Inca Yupanqui's desendants formed the Qhapaq ayllu. Members of an ayllu were responsible for maintaining the lands, crops, and animals on the land in which their Sapa had found.

Did each ayllu own land it used for living and farming?

No, the emperor gave the land to each ayllu, which was allowed to live and farm on the plot of land.

Who owned the land each ayllu used?

The alluy

Did each ayllu own the land it used for living and farming?

In Inca society, the land was collectively owned by the ayllu members, and each family within the ayllu was allocated a portion of land for cultivation. Ownership of the land was communal, and individuals had rights to use the land but did not own it in the modern sense of private property.

Did each ayllu own the land it used to living and farming?

In Inca society, each ayllu did not own the land individually. Instead, the land was collectively owned by the ayllu members and allocated to families for use based on their needs and contributions to the community. This system ensured that resources were shared and distributed fairly among the community members.

Who owned the Land eachis ayllu used?

Each ayllu in ancient Andean culture was owned collectively by its members, typically extended family groups. The land was communally managed and resources were shared among the community members. Ownership was based on kinship ties and shared responsibilities within the ayllu.

How do you bring down 5240 and 5600 down to 1?

The easiest way to to reduce each of those numbers to 1 would be to divide each number by itself. So, you would divide 5240 by 5240, and you would divide 5600 by 5600. In each case, the answer would be 1.

How did Aztecs kill each other?

The Aztecs killed each other so their crops would grow

What was the purpose of the ayllu the incan society was to?

The purpose of the ayllu in Incan society was to serve as a fundamental social and economic unit where families worked together on collective tasks, shared resources, and supported each other. It helped to foster a sense of community, cooperation, and reciprocity among its members, contributing to the overall stability and cohesion of the society.

What are some of the jobs that a migrant worker would have?

Weeding crops, thinning crops, spraying pesticides and fertilizers, preparing field each spring for planintg, planting crops, harvesting crops, preparing fileds each fall, sorting products, preparing crops or animals for market, maintaining equipment, landscaping, caring for bees

Why did aztecs kill eachother?

They killed each other so their crops would grow.