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Some very wise man noticed that the shadow cast from a stick placed vertically in the ground was a different angle at exactly noon than the angle of shadow cast at exactly noon from a vertically placed stick in the ground at a location further north. By employing mathematics, he was able to deduce that the earth is in fact, roundish.

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Q: How did human beings know that the earth was a sphere before the use of satellites?
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How many planes face in sphere?

A sphere has no plane surface. But if we consider a infinitesimal small surface of sphere then we have a plane surface and this way we have infinite planes on the sphere. Let us take the example of earth: earth is a large sphere and to human beings, so small as compared to earth, earth looks like a plane surface which is actually not reality. The same case is with the circle, circle is a closed figure which has no sides but in other way it can be considered as a polygon of infinite sides.

What sphere do you live in?

The sphere that we all live on is called the Earth. (It is not a perfect sphere, but close enough)

Data is sent to earth from satellites using what type of numbers?

Data is sent to earth from satellites using TIROS. This is data given from the ground.

When was the sphere invented?

The sphere wasn't invented, it was natural, like the Earth is natural

Formula to find out the Earth's surface area?

The Earth is close enough to a sphere, so you can use the formula for a sphere: 4 x pi x r2. "r" is the radius; if you find the diameter of Earth somewhere, divide it by 2 to get the radius.The Earth is close enough to a sphere, so you can use the formula for a sphere: 4 x pi x r2. "r" is the radius; if you find the diameter of Earth somewhere, divide it by 2 to get the radius.The Earth is close enough to a sphere, so you can use the formula for a sphere: 4 x pi x r2. "r" is the radius; if you find the diameter of Earth somewhere, divide it by 2 to get the radius.The Earth is close enough to a sphere, so you can use the formula for a sphere: 4 x pi x r2. "r" is the radius; if you find the diameter of Earth somewhere, divide it by 2 to get the radius.

Related questions

What is androsphere?

An androsphere is what human beings are considered in the fifth sphere of Earth.

Images from space probes and artificial satellites show that earth is a?

Sphere shaped

What is meant by a celestial globe?

The Celestial Globe (or sphere) is an imaginary sphere around our planet, earth. All objects in the sky and space, such as satellites, can be thought inside this invisible sphere.

What Earth's outermost sphere is called the?

The Earth's outermost sphere is the Lithosphere. It's the rigid outermost shell of the Earth.

Can artificial satellites prove that the Earth is a sphere?

Yes, artificial satellites can provide evidence that the Earth is a sphere. Satellites orbiting the Earth take images showing its curved surface, and measurements of the Earth's shape can be made based on satellite data. Additionally, the way satellites maintain their orbits around the Earth is consistent with the Earth's spherical shape.

Images from space probes and artificial satellites show that earth is?

the answer is sphere shaped...... by Himanshuk darji..............the Indian

How many planes face in sphere?

A sphere has no plane surface. But if we consider a infinitesimal small surface of sphere then we have a plane surface and this way we have infinite planes on the sphere. Let us take the example of earth: earth is a large sphere and to human beings, so small as compared to earth, earth looks like a plane surface which is actually not reality. The same case is with the circle, circle is a closed figure which has no sides but in other way it can be considered as a polygon of infinite sides.

What are the artificial satellites of the Earth?

All the satellites, communications, exploratory, military etc. are artificial satellites of Earth.

You are part of which sphere of Earth?

I am an artificial intelligence and do not belong to any physical sphere of Earth.

Why do gps receive signals from four different satellites?

For accuracy. 1 satellite can only tell you the distance from that satellite (a 3-d sphere around it). 2 satellites can only tell you what your distance from the two of them are(a 2-d circle between them). 3 satellites can give you 2 single points (1 one the surface of Earth, and one out in the middle of space, and they assume you are on Earth when using GPS). 4 satellites is to give extra accuracy on that point that you are at (4 times as accurate as 3 satellites).

Sometimes human beings are considered the fifth sphere of earth the androsphere do you agree with this separate classification why or why not?

I see the concept of the "androsphere" as an interesting idea to emphasize the impact of human beings on the Earth's sphere. However, from a scientific perspective, humans are not traditionally classified as a separate sphere. Instead, humans are seen as an intrinsic part of the biosphere, which includes all living organisms on Earth. So, while the androsphere can serve as a conceptual tool to highlight human influence, it is not an official classification in ecological or Earth science.

Does the earth have two satellites or Mars?

Mars has two natural satellites. Earth has one.