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Through necessity which is the mother of all inventions

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Q: How did number formed?
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Does the atomic number changes when an ion is formed?

No, the atomic number remains the same when an ion is formed. The atomic number is determined by the number of protons in an atom, which does not change when an atom becomes an ion by gaining or losing electrons.

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3457 is the smallest odd number formed.

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A mixed number or mixed fraction.

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They are formed federally...stste is of no consequence.

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No because it cannot be formed into a triangle when formed in dots of a triangle.

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For chiral compounds, the number of possible isomers depends on the number of chiral centers in the molecule. The maximum number of stereoisomers that can be formed for a molecule with n chiral centers is 2^n.

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There are 2000 such numbers.

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in 1885 thw indian national congress was formed by a number of educaded