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Q: How did people say elder in 999 AD?
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Does AD begin with 0 or 1?

there is no year 0, no matter what people say. so, its B.C. 1 and A.D. 1.

How do you say ad nauseam in a sentence?

Let's stop this discussion about equal rights. We've been debating about this topic ad nauseam

Which Part Of Print Ad Is The Only Part Seen By About 70 Percent Of People?

the visual

3 ways tourism industry makes use of climate data?

They use it to know what activities to put in ad's for eg. in the winter people like to go skiing,skating and\or like to just stay in side. So they will put an ad for that or in the summer people like to go for eg.swimming,camping and\or going to the beach. so they will put an ad

Who are the authors of the books in the New Testament of the Bible and when were they written?

Matthew between AD 55 and 75. Mark before AD 70 Luke before AD 60. John between AD 45 and 110 Acts Luke around AD 64. Romans Paul AD 56 or 57. 1 Corinthians Paul AD 55. 2 Corinthians Paul AD 56. Galatians Paul AD 52 Ephesians Paul AD 63. Philippians Paul between AD 59 and AD 61. Colossians Paul AD 62. 1 Thessalonians Paul AD 50. 2 Thessalonians Paul AD 50. 1 Timothy Paul between AD 62 and AD 67. 2 Timothy Paul between AD 62 and AD 67. Titus Paul AD 63. Philemon Paul between AD 56 and AD 62. Hebrews Maybe Paul between AD 66 and AD 70 (before the destruction of Jerusalem AD 70). James James between AD 45 and AD 50. 1 Peter Peter between AD 62 and AD 64. 2 Peter Peter between AD 64 and AD 68. 1 John John between AD 85 and AD 90. 2 John John AD 90. 3 John John AD 90. Jude Jude between AD 60 and AD 65. Revelation John between AD 54 and AD 96 Although the document is internally anonymous, the authorship of this Gospel has been traditionally ascribed to St. Matthew" ( It seems that Wikipedia does not agree with the above. Not only on Matthew but almost all of the information written above. To the answer above, Do you have verifiable sources? Gospel according to Matthew (Greek:

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How does life in 999 compare with life today?

Life in 999 AD was significantly different from life today in terms of technology, scientific knowledge, medical advancements, and living conditions. People in 999 AD had limited access to education, shorter life expectancies, and strict societal norms. In contrast, life today is characterized by advanced communication, transportation, healthcare, and a greater emphasis on individual freedom and equality.

Was the 18th century AD or BC?

There was one for both, but when most people say 'eighteenth century' they mean AD.

How many years was it from 500 BC to 500 AD?

999 years, because there was no year zero.

When was the viking era?

The Vikings were not invented. They were a race of people. If you are referring to the word Viking, there is already an answered question pertaining to that.

Who is Pliny the elder?

Pliny the Younger was a survivor from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. He wrote a diary about the event because he saw the eruption across the bay from Naples and he wasn't in Pompeii while it was happening. He is how we know about the burial of Pompeii.

Who first said the phrase Home is where the heart is?

On Yahoo! answers, someone said that Gaius Plinius Secundas - Pliny the Elder - (AD 23 - August 24, AD 79), Como, Italy said it first. Most other sites just say that it is a widely used phrase or idiom or that it's just a wise saying.

What year did boudicca revolt?

Most sources say 60 AD, a few say 61 AD. It's best to say 60-61 AD as we can't be sure of how long the revolt lasted.

What do the term AD stand for in world history?

most people say after death but its not its ? can u answer i wnt to see what u think

Does AD begin with 0 or 1?

there is no year 0, no matter what people say. so, its B.C. 1 and A.D. 1.

Is the elder futhark older than the younger futhark?

As the names indicate, the Eldger Futhark is older than the younger. The former's use is dated from the 2nd to 8th centuries AD; the latter dates from the 8th century AD.

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