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Q: How did the Europeans map out there trip in the 1400?
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What led the Europeans to begin exploring in the 1400?

Riches, Knowledge, and power.

What continents were known to Europeans in the mid 1400's?

Europe, Africa, and Asia

What motivated Europeans to explore the world in the 1400 and 1500?

The return of lt mardward

What direction was at top of map in 1400 AD?

compass rose

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What led europeans to explore and settle the Americas in the 1400 and 1500?

to trade and claim land

What conditions let Europeans to begin exploring the Unknown in the 1400?

I do not know look in a book

What put Australia on the map?

When it was discovered by Europeans.

How did Marco polos trip to China influenced Europeans exploration?

europeans who read about his travels were inspired to explore