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Q: How did the Mesopotamians solve their food storage problem?
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How did ancient civilization solve the problem of food storage?

They grew the food they needed and traded with others.

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Yu mama

How did Mesopotamians cook their food?

mesopotamians prepared their food by cooking it at a fire.

What problems did Mesopotamians have?

they have food

Where did Mesopotamians get food?

Mesopotamians got their food by growing crops, making beer, and killing their pets and eating the meat.

What problem does a digestive system help an animal solve?

It helps an animals solve the problem of getting energy and nutrients, by breaking down the food it eats

What problem does digestive system help an animal solve?

It helps an animals solve the problem of getting energy and nutrients, by breaking down the food it eats

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They could not easily solve - cheap food imported from other countries.

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Cookin',Cleanin' And Chillin' Bro. Problem?

Animals were domesticated by early mesopotamians for each what reasons except A Food B labor C Clothing D Protection?

Animals were domesticated by early Mesopotamians for a number of reasons including food, labor, and clothing.

Do the Mesopotamians hunt gather or produce?

Mesopotamians raised animals such as sheep. goats and cattle. They had agriculture and were productive, rather than hunting and gathering wild food.

How did trade with faraway civilization likely impact mesopotamians view of the world?

They gave the civilizations from mesopotamians food and more neccesary items t build there town