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science, because building is considered science. math, because to find surface area, area, or volume.

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Q: How did the buildind of the pyramids lead to advances in science and mathematics?
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How did the building of the pyramids lead to advance in science and mathematics?

How did the building of the pyramids lead to advances in mathematics

What best describes Islamic empires during the postclassical period?

They produce important advances in mathematics, science, and medicine

How did the building of pyramids lead to advance in science and mathematics?

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Advances in science and mathematics

What advances did the egyptians make in mathematics and science?

the egyptians used hyroglyphs for mathematical problems , but only used fractions with 1 in the numerator. i dont think they were good scintists, for they were the ones who thought that the sun rotated around th earth.

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What were Islamic empires like during the postclassical period?

They produced important advances in mathematics, science, and medicine.

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created 7 day week. plus started number 60.

Did Islamic scholars not study mathematics?

Muslim scholars not only studied and made advances in the field of Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, rather they did lot of research in the field of medicine and all branches of science.

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(true or false)advances in technology never depend on advances in science

How did the building of pyramids lead to the advances in science and mathematics?

The construction of the monumental tombs required extensive planning, measurement, and organization. Tools had to be developed for quarrying and moving the stone blocks, which had to be assembled in careful order and precise locations. Logistics also meant feeding, clothing, and housing the thousands of laborers required to build each of the structures. The Egyptian advances in Astronomy and geometry were put to good use.

How did the building of the pyramids lead to the advances in mathematics and science?

The construction of the monumental tombs required extensive planning, measurement, and organization. Tools had to be developed for quarrying and moving the stone blocks, which had to be assembled in careful order and precise locations. Logistics also meant feeding, clothing, and housing the thousands of laborers required to build each of the structures. The Egyptian advances in Astronomy and geometry were put to good use.