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The Egyptian's used Pythagoras' theorem to do this (although it did not exist then, there is debate as to whether the Egyptian's knew of this mathematical theorem before Pythagoras).

Firstly it is important to think about the twelve equal segments in the rope. The right angle triangle that would have to be created would have to have the dimensions of 3, 4, 5 (as these accumulate to 12).

(Imagine a triangle dimensions 3 by 4 by 5; it helps to sketch one)

So what is important to see from this is the fact that along the the "4" line there is 5 knots (1 in each corner + 3 more centralised); along the "3" line there are 4 knots (1 in each corner + 2 more centralised), and so along the hypotenuse there are 6 knots (1 in each corner + 4 more centralised).

The Egyptians could tell that the angle subtended between line 3 & 4 was equal to 90 degrees as (as we now know it) the triangle follows Pythagoras' theorem.

I hope this cleared things up for those who confused by other sites.

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Q: How did the egyptians make a right angle triangle out of rope with twelve equally shaped knots?
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