

Best Answer

They used it to calculate the amount of things that are sold, the amount

of things that are bought, the prices of things bought and sold, and the

amount and price of land in farm fields.

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Q: How did the egyptians use mathematics?
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What are some achievements of Egyptians?

mathematics, architecture, medicine

In which area of mathematics were Egyptians especially skilled?


Who invented mensuration in mathematics?

The ancient Egyptians.

In what area of mathematics were the Egyptians especially skilled?


What advances did Egyptians make in mathematics?

its a beautiful lie

Did the egyptians no how to say numbers?

Yes they did. In fact the Ancient Egyptians were much more advanced in mathematics than we were.

What advances did the egyptians make in mathematics and science?

the egyptians used hyroglyphs for mathematical problems , but only used fractions with 1 in the numerator. i dont think they were good scintists, for they were the ones who thought that the sun rotated around th earth.

What were some of the key achievement of the ancient Egyptians?

mathematics, architecture, medicine

Who created mathematics?

Elementary arithmetic by counting is known to have started in prehistoric times in the Palaeolithic period, which can be seen on markings made on rock faces and bones. The Ancient Egyptians in the third millennium BC were first to use the abacus to perform calculations which included whole numbers and fractions so it prove that mathematics is created by egyptians

History of additional mathematics?

Additional mathematics is also called PI and was used in Ancient Egyptian civilizations. Pi helped the Egyptians plan the construction of the pyramids.