

How did the planetesimals form?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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7y ago

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From the clouds going together and building it the hot sun.

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Q: How did the planetesimals form?
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In the "nebular hypothesis", clouds of gas and dust can lead to the formation of "planetesimals". Some of these become comets. So I think the question refers to "planetesimals".

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No. Stars are many times larger than planetesimals.

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Planetesimals made from ice and sometimes rock are called comets.

What are planetsimals and how do they form?

Planetesimals, sometimes incorrectly referred to as planetsimals, are thought to form from cosmic dust grains. The dust grains collide with each other and stick to form a larger mass.

What did planetesimals do as earth formed?

Planetesimals collided and merged to form the early Earth. This process released a significant amount of heat, contributing to the differentiation of Earth into layers. Additionally, planetesimals delivered water and other volatile materials to Earth, helping to shape its composition.

What causes planetesimals to stay together forming planets when they collide?

Planetesimals stick together due to gravitational attraction and potentially other forces, such as electrostatic forces or chemical bonds. When two planetesimals collide with enough energy, they can merge and form larger bodies, eventually leading to the formation of planets. The exact mechanisms depend on factors like the size, composition, and relative velocities of the colliding bodies.

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There are typically four stages in the condensation theory of personality development proposed by psychoanalyst Karen Horney. These stages include the cpoing style of moving towards others, moving against others, and moving away from others, as well as the normal adult accommodation life style.

What causes dust clouds to form individual planets over time?

Dust clouds in space can gradually clump together due to gravitational attraction between particles, forming planetesimals. These planetesimals then collide and merge to form larger bodies, eventually accumulating enough mass to become planets. This process, known as accretion, is a key step in the formation of individual planets from dust clouds.

Who was the scientist who discovered the planetesimals theory?

Viktor Safronov