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Q: How did the two sides of the island affect Ralph?
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In lord of the flies how do the two different sides of the island affect Ralph and hopes for rescue?

The two sides of the island represent the duality of human nature, with one side symbolizing civilization and order (Ralph's side) and the other representing savagery and chaos (Jack's side). The division leads to a power struggle between Ralph and Jack, which ultimately hinders their chances of being rescued as they become more focused on survival and conflict rather than maintaining the signal fire and attracting passing ships.

What is an island with two sides called?

It is still called an island.

Where are the character of Jack and Ralph?

Jack and Ralph are two of the main characters in the book 'Lord of the Flies.' A story about English boarding school boys that get stranded on an island.

Jack attempts to persuade the boys that they have two sources of danger that they must fear on the island what are they?

The Beast and Ralph.

What are two books mentioned that remind the boys about the adventure they hope to have on the island?

When Ralph told the assembly of boys that they were on an island, "like in a book" various boys called out.. "Like Treasure Island, Swallows and Amazons, The Coral Island." As Swallows and Amazons doesn't take place on a tropical island the other two were much more apt.

When did it become clear to Ralph that the boys on the island had definitely split into two separate camps?

Ralph realizes the definite split into two camps during a meeting when he and Piggy confront Jack and the hunters about the neglect of their responsibilities such as maintaining the signal fire. Jack's refusal to listen and the aggressive behavior of his supporters clearly show the division among the boys on the island.

Which two boys desperately try to convince Ralph to remain as chief jack breaks up the meeting?

Piggy and Simon

Who were the 2 smallest boys on the island in lord of the flies?

Percival and Johnny are the two smallest boys on the island.

What does island symbolize?

The island symbolises the world. The two factions of boys, with Ralph representing democracy and Jack representing a Dictatorship mirror the war which is supposedly taking place in the 'outside' world between England and 'The Reds.'

Who is elected leader in Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, Ralph is elected as the leader by the group of boys stranded on the island. His democratic approach contrasts with Jack's authoritarian leadership style, leading to a power struggle between the two characters.

In Chapter 12 what are the two methods that the boys use to get Ralph out of the hiding spot?

Once Jack is certain that Ralph is hiding in the thicket he puts two different plans into effect. Firstly a boulder is levered from the top of castle rock and sent crashing into the thicket. When this fails to kill Ralph or drive him out of hiding Jack puts his second plan into effect. He lights a fire, hoping to smoke Ralph out of hiding, and unintentionally sets the entire island on fire.

How many children did Ralph Lauren have?

Ralph Lauren has two children