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Q: How did the us solve their problems after the revolution?
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I think that a revolution is not a best way of solve a problem praying is the best solution.

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they tell the answer!! dah! lololololol

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because we solve computer problems that was hardware is very neccessery for us....

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Calculators have helped us in so many ways. They have made it easier to solve problems in a shorter period of time. Usually it would take us a max of 5 min to solve a problem and now we just type in the problem and it gives us the answer. Yes, it has made us dumber because we now don't really know how to solve problems the manual way and because we're so accustomed to using a calculator. But calculators make it possible for us to to solve problems that were difficult for us to solve in the past.

Did the Scientific Revolution form the basis of the Enlightenment?

yes it did because people started to use reason to solve society's problems.... Enlightenment ideas came of the ideas of the Scientific Revolution

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How did japan plan to solve the economic problems? They wanted to solved the country's economic problems through foreign expansion. How did japan plan to solve the economic problems? They wanted to solved the country's economic problems through foreign expansion. who ever said this shut up i cant understand a word your saying

Why do you think that the middle east countries should handle their own problems?

It's always a good idea for people to handle their own problems; after all, we all have problems. The US has lots of problems of its own to solve, without having to solve the problems of other countries as well. And at some point, it is just too expensive for the US to do so. No one is paying the US to be the world's policeman.

What was to blame for the economic and other problems in the US after the revolution?

A Weak Central Government