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Q: How did the use of Arabic numerals help banking and trade?
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Where do we find Arabic numerals and roman numerals?

We find these numerals on things

Importance of AIDS to trade in commerce?

Basically aids to trade facilitate trade. These are means to make trade run smooth. Everything such as banking, warehousing, transportation, communication, advertising etc. are just means to facilitate trade to go smooth.

What is the Arabic word for 'help'?

Help = MussAda (Arabic) مساعدة

How does banking help in Nigeria?

Because it's banking.

How are main ideas in an outline marked?

Main ideas in an outline are typically marked with Roman numerals (I, II, III), capital letters (A, B, C), or Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3). These markers help to differentiate the main points from supporting details or subpoints in the outline.

Benefits from e-banking?

Besides of the convenience for the customer and the improvement of the service, it also helps the banks that offer e-banking to reduce manpower and expenses. If the e-banking isn't just infromational but also allows you to trade, it may also help to increase the banks' revenue because it increases the volume of trades and the commissions that result from these trades.

What are the products of private banking?

The products of private banking innovative banking products and lending solutions,services to help you manage your money.

What services does Sun Trust Bank provide?

SunTrust offers mobile banking, online banking, and retirement fund help for personal banking. They can also help manage small businesses and wealth.

How biology helps in banking sector?

Biology does not directly help in the banking sector. Accounting and math can help in this sector but biology does not really factor into this in anyway.

What were several factors that made Muslim trade strong?

Factors that made Muslim trade stronger included the spread of the Arabic language, Muslim rulers providing merchants with coins for buying and selling goods, and Muslim merchants keeping detailed records of their business deals and the money they made. In Addition: When Muslim empires expanded, they spread the Arabic language. As a result, Arabic became the language of trade. Muslim rulers also made trade easier by providing merchants with coins.

Atach each type of restriction with one of its effects?

Trade restrictions mean higher prices for consumers. Labor laws regulate union activities. Banking regulations help provide stability for the economy.

Why are Roman Numerals invented?

cos it can help us.....