The pyramids are actually a fascinating thing, but very simple, there is a video of a man doing the exact same weight as the blocks for the pyramids, BY HIMSELF !, he used leverage and weight distribution to conquer his goal
In order to make a cube out of pyramids, one would need a minimum of 6 pyramids.
a cube of any size can fit infinitive pyramids, because the pyramids don't have an actual limit to their size, so they can be really small, like atomic level or smaller, this would make the result infinitive.
You can make 6
They're pyramids. Pyramid Shaped things are like the Pyramids
In order to make a cube out of pyramids, one would need a minimum of 6 pyramids.
In Cario, Egypt lol
Dead bodies of the kings, only kings got to be buried in pyramids!
in egypt
In Eygpt :D
The workers used sandstone to make the pyramids
Pyramids are tombs , so the Egyptians would make them to bury there pharaohs in once they died....
Thousands of slaves
Bricks and slaves.