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Q: How did they say said in the old days?
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nowhere does it say Jesus Christ is dead AFTER three days, but it does say he rose from the dead on the 3rd day

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every body say it but they just hide it in there head

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no, but mine said in front of me that som days she humps for no resone...

What is the roman word for Friday?

The Romans had no word for Friday. They did not name the days of their week, they connoted them by the divisions of their calendar and with numbers denoting the number of days before the next calendar division. Our word for Friday has a hazy background. Some claim it is from Old English, others say it is from High German and yet others say it is from Old Norse.The Romans had no word for Friday. They did not name the days of their week, they connoted them by the divisions of their calendar and with numbers denoting the number of days before the next calendar division. Our word for Friday has a hazy background. Some claim it is from Old English, others say it is from High German and yet others say it is from Old Norse.The Romans had no word for Friday. They did not name the days of their week, they connoted them by the divisions of their calendar and with numbers denoting the number of days before the next calendar division. Our word for Friday has a hazy background. Some claim it is from Old English, others say it is from High German and yet others say it is from Old Norse.The Romans had no word for Friday. They did not name the days of their week, they connoted them by the divisions of their calendar and with numbers denoting the number of days before the next calendar division. Our word for Friday has a hazy background. Some claim it is from Old English, others say it is from High German and yet others say it is from Old Norse.The Romans had no word for Friday. They did not name the days of their week, they connoted them by the divisions of their calendar and with numbers denoting the number of days before the next calendar division. Our word for Friday has a hazy background. Some claim it is from Old English, others say it is from High German and yet others say it is from Old Norse.The Romans had no word for Friday. They did not name the days of their week, they connoted them by the divisions of their calendar and with numbers denoting the number of days before the next calendar division. Our word for Friday has a hazy background. Some claim it is from Old English, others say it is from High German and yet others say it is from Old Norse.The Romans had no word for Friday. They did not name the days of their week, they connoted them by the divisions of their calendar and with numbers denoting the number of days before the next calendar division. Our word for Friday has a hazy background. Some claim it is from Old English, others say it is from High German and yet others say it is from Old Norse.The Romans had no word for Friday. They did not name the days of their week, they connoted them by the divisions of their calendar and with numbers denoting the number of days before the next calendar division. Our word for Friday has a hazy background. Some claim it is from Old English, others say it is from High German and yet others say it is from Old Norse.The Romans had no word for Friday. They did not name the days of their week, they connoted them by the divisions of their calendar and with numbers denoting the number of days before the next calendar division. Our word for Friday has a hazy background. Some claim it is from Old English, others say it is from High German and yet others say it is from Old Norse.

Is it safe to eat scrambled eggs that are 9 days old kept in the frig?

No. That is too old. I would say 3 days max. Even in the fridge, bacteria starts forming after 3 days.

How do you say 21 years old in french?

"21 years old" in French is said as "vingt et un ans"

If you had one of thoses days and you said something you couldn't have what should you do?

you should apolagise and say you didnt maen to say it and that you just feel tired and anoyed