The abacus was an instrument used by Greeks and Romans for arithmetic calculations, preceding the slide-rule and the electronic calculator, and consisted of perforated pebbles sliding on iron bars.
As of today's date, December 14, 2010, and including the start and end date in the calculation, someone born on April 11, 1960 would be 18509 days old.
360 days
This is an ephemeral question whose answer depends on when the calculation was carried out. Furthermore, it adds no real value.
In a non-leap year, including the start and end dates in the calculation, there are 286 days between the two dates. In a leap year, including the start and end dates in the calculation, there are 287 days between the two dates.
Including the start and end date in the calculation, there are 92 days between the two dates.
As of today, April 2, 2011, and including the start and end date in the calculation, someone born on March 27, 1961 would be 18268 days old.
As of today's date, December 14, 2010, and including the start and end date in the calculation, someone born on April 11, 1960 would be 18509 days old.
360 days
It depends on your height. Use a BMI calculation as a starting point.
This is an ephemeral question whose answer depends on when the calculation was carried out. Furthermore, it adds no real value.
365 Days
The calculation for determining odd days interest on a loan or investment is: Principal amount x Interest rate x Number of odd days / 365
Use a BMI calculation as a starting point.
298 days are between June 19 2009 and April 13 2010.
Via astronomical measurements.
74 days are between January 17th and April 1st 2010.
Use a BMI calculation as a starting point. She would be underweight