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If p is the probability of the event happening (once), so that q = 1 - p is the probability of the event not happening (once), then the binomial theorem can be used:

(p + q)n = nC0 p0qn + nC1 p1qn-1 + ... + nCr prqn-r + ... + nCn-1 pn-1q1 + nCn pnq0

Where n is the number of trials and r is the number of successes required, and nCr is the number of combinations of r things from a set of n and is:

nCr = n!/(n-r)!r!

where n! is n factorial which is n x (n-1) x (n-2) x ... x 2 x 1. 0! is defined to be 1.

So assuming a normal, unbiased coin with p = pr(head) = 1/2 → q = pr(not_head) = 1 - 1/2 = 1/2, then the probability of getting (r =) 200 heads out of (n =) 1000 trials is:

nCr prqn-r = 1000C200 (1/2)200(1/2)800

= 1000!/(800! x 200!) (1/2)1000

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Q: How do I calculate probabilities for a large number of independent events without using a tree. For example if toss a coin a 1000 times how do I calculate that it will be heads only 200 times?
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What is the Role of Independence in the topic of probabilities and is there an example of it?

There is a wonderful and brief explanation at the link. One thought: Without the concept of independence, the accurate probability that two events will occur together would be a problem. You need to know if the events are dependent on one another in some way. If I roll two fair dice, what is the probability that I will roll two sixes? I know that the events (the results I get from the two dice) are independent of one another. So the probability of their happening together is the product of the probabilities that they will happen independently.

How do you do probabilities?

Example of probability is if you have 10 blue gumballs 5 pink gumballs and 3 orange gumballs the answer is 10 because the more gumballs you have is the one you will pick without looking if you still dont understand please comment below,thanks for all questions:)

Why are the With Replacement and Without Replacement probabilities different?

Because with replacement, the total number of possible outcomes - the denominator of the probability ratio - remains the same. Without replacement the number of possible outcomes becomes smaller.

How can you calculate the square root of 1.8e-5 without a calculator?

How can you calculate the square root of 1.8E-5 without a calculator?

How do you calculate factorial without calculator?

Factorial is calculated by taking the number and multiplying it continually by 1 less than that until you finally multiple by 1. For example 6! = 6x5x4x3x2x1 = 720

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There is a wonderful and brief explanation at the link. One thought: Without the concept of independence, the accurate probability that two events will occur together would be a problem. You need to know if the events are dependent on one another in some way. If I roll two fair dice, what is the probability that I will roll two sixes? I know that the events (the results I get from the two dice) are independent of one another. So the probability of their happening together is the product of the probabilities that they will happen independently.

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