Multiply avg length times avg width times avg depth to get cubic feet them multiply by 7.48 to get gallons Question can't be answered without third deminsion. Formula: length times width times depth times 7.48 equals gallons
This pool holds up to 13,460 gallons of water. (this would fill it to the very top)
Start taking the water out of the pool with a 5 gal bucket...
There is NO way to calculate this without knowing how deep the pool is filled!
length(M) x width(M) x average depth(M) you will get pool volume in cubic meter. convert it in to gallons or any other unit
To discover the number of gallons of water in an 850 square foot pool, we'll need to know the depth of the pool. For a pool with 850 square feet and a known depth in feet, we'll find the volume by multiplying 850 ft2 by the depth in feet. With the answer in hand (and it will be in ft3 because we'll have a volume of water), we can find the number of gallons. There are about 7.48 gallons of water in a cubic foot. By multiplying our volume in ft3 by 7.48 (which is the conversion factor), we'll have discovered the volume of the pool in gallons.
This pool holds up to 13,460 gallons of water. (this would fill it to the very top)
Start taking the water out of the pool with a 5 gal bucket...
W(15) is the number of gallons of water in the pool after 15 minutes.
The correct answer is: W(43) is the number of gallons of water in the pool after 34 minutes.
There is NO way to calculate this without knowing how deep the pool is filled!
how do i calculate the volumn of backwash in a pool
How large is the pool? In ground or above ground? Shape? Above ground is easier to calculate. I have an oval above ground pool which is 18 x 38. It holds approx. 15,000 gallons. To get an accurate answer, you need to be far more specific.
A lot. If you know the depth of the pool, you can actually calculate the volume in cubic feet. Then multiply by 7.48 (the number of gallons per cubic foot) to determine the amount of water in your pool. For example, assuming the average depth of your pool is 5', the volume in cubic feet is (16'x36'x5') 2880, which is 21,542 gallons (2880 x 7.48).
To calculate the gallons you also need the average depth. Then you take lenth X width X average depth = cubic feet of water. cubic feet of water X 7.48 {gallons per cubic foot} = total gallons.
length(M) x width(M) x average depth(M) you will get pool volume in cubic meter. convert it in to gallons or any other unit
To discover the number of gallons of water in an 850 square foot pool, we'll need to know the depth of the pool. For a pool with 850 square feet and a known depth in feet, we'll find the volume by multiplying 850 ft2 by the depth in feet. With the answer in hand (and it will be in ft3 because we'll have a volume of water), we can find the number of gallons. There are about 7.48 gallons of water in a cubic foot. By multiplying our volume in ft3 by 7.48 (which is the conversion factor), we'll have discovered the volume of the pool in gallons.
To calculate the volume of water a pool would hold, you need THREE dimensions - length, breadth and DEPTH, which is missing in your question. To calculate the number of gallons of water a 20 feet by 4 feet by 1 feet pool would hold, do this: Multiply 20 X 4 X 1 = 80 feet3 Convert this to gallons [by typing "80 cubic feet in gallons" in Google] The value is 598.441 US gallons. That's your answer. If the depth is 2 feet, multiply this value by 2. If the depth is 3, multiply 598.441 by 3, and so on.